Green Party of Texas is seeking candidates
Now more than ever, we need a Green Vision for the future. The Green Party of Texas is seeking candidates to carry this Green Vision forward to the public.
Prospective candidates are invited to join us at the Dallas Public Library on September 30th to receive orientation & support on how to run for public office as a Green in 2018. Volunteers wishing to assist with ballot access are invited to join us for convention operation & petition collection training on October 1st. Please RSVP to join us for these valuable training events in preparation for 2018.
As our friends & neighbors in Texas continue trying to recover from Hurricane Harvey, an urgent need for foresight in public policy is clear. From its beginning, the Green Party platform has focused on climate change & social justice issues; and now presciently emphasizes basic income, human rights & peace as necessary components of a revolutionary Green future.
While it may be harsh to say that public officials have done nothing to prepare for catastrophic storms such as Harvey, it is clear that they haven’t done enough; either for flood mitigation or for planning to prevent hazardous impacts of industry. We need public leaders whose judgment is not clouded by excessively close ties to business; so that they may exercise prudent policy in the public interest.
It is the mission of the Green Party to provide an electoral vehicle for the public to challenge the political status quo by articulating & advocating for a Green Vision of the future. We invite you to join us in working to put people, planet, & peace over profit!
In Solidarity,
Laura Palmer
GPTX SEC co-chair
Green Party of Texas