“The battle for the future of our schools is heating up. On one side are powerful and wealthy figures who see our public schools as a potential source of profit. On the other side are parents, teachers, and students who are fighting to defend and improve our public schools.”
From “An Open Letter to Teachers,” Howie Hawkins and Brian Jones, Green candidates for Governor/Lt. Governor, New York, 2014
Highlights of the Green Party Platform on Education
- Eliminate gross inequalities in school funding. Federal policy on education should act principally to provide equal access to a quality education.
- Oppose the administration of public schools by private, for-profit entities.
- It's time to forgive all student and parent loans taken out to finance post-secondary and vocational education.
- Provide free college tuition to all qualified students at public universities and vocational schools.
- Teach non-violent conflict resolution and humane education at all levels of education.
- Provide adequate academic and vocational education and training to prisoners.
- Provide healthy school meals… Support Farm-to-School programs that provide food from local family farms and educational opportunities.
- Repeal the No Child Left Behind Act.
- Expand arts education and physical education opportunities at school.
- We urge that our nation… join the rest of the world in setting 18 as the absolute minimum age for military recruitment…Forbid military access to student records.
Learn more about our platform here.