Green Party Candidate in IL-12 says it's time for independent thinking in Congress
WSIL -- While Incumbent Republican Mike Bost and Democrat Brendan Kelly attract most of the attention in Illinois' 12th congressional district, Green Party candidate Randy Auxier says it's time for independent thinking in Washington.
Though Green Party candidate Paula Bradshaw received just six percent of the vote in 2016, Auxier believes in today's political climate people are looking for an option outside of Democrats and Republicans
By Andrew Feather
September 27, 2018
"A lot of them are disillusioned," Auxier said. "I also think that if they are given an opportunity to vote for something other than that reality TV show that to national politics has turned into, they'll turn out."
Facing two well-funded candidates, Auxier knows he won't be able to outspend or even keep up with them, still he says his campaign will resonate with voters
"I don't think that money is the key," he said. "The message is the key."
He says if elected, his main focus would be on implementing single-payer healthcare.
"Our current healthcare system is not working and I don't see either political party having the will to address it in a complete way," Auxier said. "Single-payer universal healthcare is the idea that I think really has to take hold in Washington."
Auxier says he would also push for infrastructure improvements, including light rails and technological upgrades.
"What we ought to be doing right now is not building more roads, especially not when we can't maintain the ones we have," he said. "We should be looking to mass transportation, inexpensive mass transportation that connects the southern part of the state to the Metro East, giving them access to our workforce and us access to their economic opportunities."