Black & Green Wednesday: The Unfolding Green Party
A few years after the Green Party began in Germany in 1980, differences arose between "fundis," who wished to stick to fundamental principles, and "realos," who focused on getting elected to office. This profoundly affected how German Greens acted once they were elected to office.
Since the 1990s, Green organizing in the US has been at least as complicated on the national, state and local levels. Come hear from those involved in organizing Green Parties in Germany, the US, Missouri and St. Louis.
Black & Green Wednesday October 4, 2017: The Unfolding Green Party
FORUM – The Unfolding Green Party
WHEN: 7:00 pm, Wednesday October 4, 2017
WHERE: Legacy Books and Café, 5249 Delmar (near Union), St Louis, Missouri 63108
Angelika Mueller-Rowry, Founding Member, German Green Party
Barbara Chicherio, Gateway Green Alliance
Don Fitz, Green Time TV
Rev. Elston McCowan, Green Party of St. Louis
Kat Logan-Smith, Missouri Green Party [moderator]
For information call 314-727-8554 or visit: