Green Party Candidates Uplift the Marginalized
Green Party donors like you are helping us help Green candidates to make a difference
The donor community of the Green Party US has made possible more than $10,000 in candidate grants during the last twelve months to worthy Green Party candidates at local, state, and congressional levels.
Recently, the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee awarded $600 each to Chester Todd and Michael Dublin, congressional candidates in Wisconsin and North Carolina.
Chester Todd, First Congressional District, Wisconsin
Chester is running because he sees the way the Democratic Party shows up in Black, Brown, and poor communities right before elections seeking votes and making empty promises. By speaking truth to power, Chester’s candidacy is part of a movement for peace and justice in Southeastern Wisconsin, an area ranked as the worst area in the country for Black folks to live. Chester gives a much-needed voice to these forgotten and oppressed folks.
A donation to Chester is a donation for advancing a Green movement. He is the one candidate running who is speaking of the needs of folks who need a voice most. We may move towards equality and justice at home and abroad through these grassroots actions.
To donate to Chester’s campaign for Congress, please visit
Michael Dublin, Second Congressional District, North Carolina
Michael Dublin is a husband, father of four, and grandfather of 6 (with two more on the way). A teacher helping young people - especially students who have been marginalized as he was - to have hope for the future, Michael believes we all still need hope for a better future.
Michael offers strong direct challenge to the mainstream narrative "Make America Great Again." What was so great about America's past? The genocide of the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island, the enslavement of Africans, the suppression of women, the systemic racism, the mistreatment of the LGBTQIA+ community, and the continued systems of war and oppression has not made America great for the majority over its short histoery. As a candidate, Michael wants to move forward with truly universal healthcare, livable wages, a healthy planet to live on, and an end to the oppressive capitalist war machine. He stands with radical dreamers who have stood for abolition, women’s rights, unions, gay rights, and saving Mother Earth.
Donations and volunteer time to Michael’s campaign help it get more visibility, contributing to things such as flyers, pins, buttons, and campaign material.
To donate to Michael's campaign, please visit
Cash awards to worthy candidates like Chester and Michael are granted by the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee. They are possible because of grassroots donors like you. None of these funds come from corporate or establishment interests. The funds come either from annual Green Party US budget allocations or from your ongoing direct contributions to the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee. The eight members of the Coordinated Campaign Committee are elected by the GPUS National Committee to provide support to candidates.
Your contribution to either the general funds of the Green Party of the United Statesor directly to the Coordinated Campaign Committee allows us to support more great candidates like Chester and Michael, whose activism and campaigns make positive contributions towards much-needed change in US politics.
Thank you for your support!
GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee
Green Party US CCC
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