Green Party of Utah Condemns the Separation of Families and Demands the Defunding of (ICE)
Salt Lake City, Utah - The Green Party of Utah (GPUT) is denouncing the U.S. Federal Government’s practice of separating children from their immigrant families and is demanding the dismantling of ICE to put an immediate halt on inhumane policies.
The Green Party Platform on Immigration stands firmly for social justice for all those living in this country regardless of their immigration status. Calling for humane policy and laws are consistent with Green Values, and the nation’s values.
Green Party of Utah
For Immediate Release:
Thursday, June 14, 2018
[email protected]
Ashley Phillips, Co-Chair 801-386-0323
Edward Bodily, Co-Chair 801-709-0017
"The State of Utah understands the importance of families," says Abrian Velarde, GPUT candidate for House District 12. "Families are the cornerstone of our communities and the legacy of our heritage. I call upon our elected officials community leaders to stand against this abhorrent practice and to stand with our families to keep them together."
The Green Party platform further calls for a complete overhaul of U.S. immigration laws. Immigration raids are terrorizing the immigrant community. Families are being broken up.
"I call upon Mayor Ben McAdams and the Salt Lake County Council to declare the county a sanctuary county," states Brendan Phillips, GPUT candidate for Tooele County Commissioner.
Like Salt Lake City, which currently declares itself a "welcoming city", Salt Lake County officials do not ask people about their immigration status. "Our county officials must declare an end to support of federal immigration regulations, cease all county cooperation with ICE, and assure no migrants are detained at any county operated facility." Phillips also urges the Tooele County Commission and other city and county councils to support this call to action.
Kimberly Bain, co-chair of Green Women Rising, the GPUT’s Women’s Caucus, reminds leaders of their commitment to families. "Utah is a state which prides itself in family values. We call upon all Utah leaders to stand with families, to demand justice for the 1500 children who have not been accounted for after separating them from their families and placing them in the homes of "sponsors."Green Women Rising is making moves to generate interest in a Mothers March for the Children in Brownsville, Texas, home of a migrant detention facility where a reported 1,000 children are being held.
Green Party of Utah
[email protected]
Ashley Phillips, Co-Chair 801-386-0323
Edward Bodily, Co-Chair 801-709-0017
More information can be found here:
Green Party Platform on Social Justice -