Green Party of Virginia State Teleconference
Green Party of Virginia State Meeting (Teleconference)
Sunday, February 10, 2019 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Information on how to join the meeting using either your telephone or computer with internet connection will be provided before the meeting. If using a computer, you will need access to broadband internet, a computer, speakers or headphones/earbuds, and a microphone to participate remotely. It is also possible to join using only your phone. This will be an online only meeting.
The major business item on this agenda is the election of officers and delegates. Please review the positions that will be elected. If you would like to nominate someone (or self-nominate) for any of these positions, please let your local representative know so they can forward the nomination to the co-chairs and business list. ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE ANNOUNCED AND AGREED TO BY THE NOMINEE BEFORE MIDNIGHT ON THE DAY BEFORE THE MEETING.
Nominees should send a brief statement to the GPVA Business Listserve:
[email protected]
(For purposes of calculating quorum, currently active locals represented at at least one of the previous two scheduled business meetings were Arlington, Charlottesville, Fairfax, Fredericksburg, Hampton Roads, Lynchburg, New River Valley, Richmond, and Shenandoah Valley.)
LOCATION: Teleconference meeting using Call/login details to be provided a few days before the meeting. Participants will need access to a computer and the internet in order to cast votes. Non-voting members may fully participate by phone. Please email [email protected] no later than 12:00AM Sunday, February 10, 2019 to RSVP. Call-in information will be sent to those who RSVP.
Choose facilitator, note taker, timekeeper, vibes watcher. (Note for our new members: Anyone can be take on any one of these roles for a business meeting. If you would like to volunteer to take one of these roles you are free to do so, or someone may nominate you to do so. In the event two or more people are interested in serving in the same role, a co-chair will poll the members present regarding their preference. Facilitators should be familiar with both consensus practice and parliamentary norms, and possessed of both patience and self-confidence.)
Ratify agenda
Approve minutes of last meeting
OFFICIAL REPORTS: (3min each - total 30 min)
(Detailed reports should be submitted in writing to the business list-serve, and highlights only briefly summarized at the meeting.)
Co-Chairs’ report
Treasurer’s report
Webmaster’s report
Secretary’s Report
GPUS Representative & Committee Chair reports
Committee Committee presentation on findings (10min)
Platform Committee procedures and bylaws (15 min)
Review of website progress (10min)
ELECTIONS (60 min):
(Note: officer and delegate elections are a "major decision" under bylaw Para. 10.3. Voting members will cast their vote online using
List-serve Moderator
Co-Chair (nominally “female” or “not male”; see bylaws Para. 14.1.1)
Committee Appointments:
Joe Bongiovanni, GPUS Banking & Monetary Reform Committee
Kyle Rockett, GPUS Animal Rights Committee
Sid Smith, GPUS Animal Rights Committee
Jonah Thomas, GPUS Ballot Access Committee
“Green New Deal VA”
GPUS Supreme Court Appeal
Potential GPUS Proposals for GPVA to sponsor (10 min)
Tamar Yager
Bryce Davis
GPVA Co-Chairs