Green Party of Virginia state meeting wrap-up
On May 19th, 2018 the Green Party of Virginia gathered in Blacksburg on the campus of Virginia Tech for its state party meeting. 12 Greens attended in-person with an additional 15 attending remotely. The meeting went smoothly, and we completed all our agenda items in just over two hours. Following the meeting, we gathered in Haymarket Theater for a panel discussion on the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines. The panel was organized by Steven Gillespie, chair of the New River Valley Greens, and moderated by Dr. Emily Satterwhite, a professor in Appalachian Studies at Virginia Tech.
The business meeting consisted of several agenda items. Beyond the usual parliamentary procedures, we discussed progress on our new party website. Ryan Wesdock was approved as representative to the National Media Committee by consensus. Much of the meeting was taken up by a series of recommendations on how to modify our committee structure. Several committees were eliminated, some kept, and one was modified, pending a bylaw amendment.
We also deliberated on the proposed amendment to the GPUS platform on sex work which had been developed by the Illinois Green Party. After a short discussion, we agreed to vote on a non-binding poll to inform our national delegates what the membership wanted. 7 voted in favor of the proposal, 2 against, with 5 abstentions.