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Latest news from the Pacific Green Party of Oregon
In this newsletter
- Convention update - deadline Aug 16 to become a supporting member
- Development of a Strategic Plan
- Campaign Finance Reform Petition drive update - Hawthorne Fair
- Oregon Peace Network - forming
September 17 Convention - online
The Convention will focus on updating the bylaws to facilitate the growth of the party. For this we are using the Large Group Consensus process - modeled after the Haudenosaunee and Iroquois Federation - to develop a consensus document for review and approval at the convention. Become a supporting member before August 16 to vote at the convention; register to attend.
In this Initiating Group Bylaws Proposal you will find a collection of ideas that support the changes being proposed.
Here is the Responding Group Discussion and Responding Proposal
Join us for one of the upcoming meetings, catch-up and participate!
Development of a Strategic Plan
Once updated bylaws are adopted in September, Felipe Lora is going to lead the effort to develop a multi-year strategic plan. We will also use the Large Group Consensus process, or a form of it, to help develop a consensus document to be approved at the January convention. Contact [email protected] if you are interested.
With the new Portland Charter and election of 12 representatives using Ranked Choice Voting, we need you to become involved to identify candidates and races. Resources and materials for campaigns can be found at pacificgreens.org/campaigns. To run for elected office fill this form
Campaign Finance Reform - petition drive update
We have approximately 40.000 signatures; we need you to help us out, especially during rainy months. If you host a party, barbque or other with friends - please email [email protected] for us to set-up a small table and collect signatures - this is a winning issue. You can also sign the petition "online" (you will need to print the form) or get pamphlet, information and petition forms at www.pacificgreens.org/2024_petition_drives or Honest-Elections.org
The Honest-elections coalition is in the process of hiring an organizer - we will then have an updated calendar with events linked to our website.
For now, please join us for the Hawthorne Street Fair (Portland, August 27) - where we will be tabling with the Progressive Party.
Oregon Peace Network
We spearheaded the development of a Peace/antiwar coalition in Oregon - and hooked up with another group that is doing the same out of Corvallis. They were successful in getting Corvallis to divest from the War Machine.
The coalition/network is looking at one major action to undertake as a network - we need more folk to get involved. Please join the group's listserver on gorups.io (you need to create a free account) or to subscribe email [email protected]
Remember! Help set the stage for 2024
Register for the September 17 convention and participate in the preparatory meetings
Deadline to become a supporting member able to vote at the convention: Aug 16
Email the Conventions Committee if you need special accommodations or to submit agenda items for consideration. Proposals must by submitted at least 30 days prior to Convention. However, agenda items may be added on the day of the convention.
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