Want to vote Green in 2020?
Then Do This Now!
MADISON, Wi – We are now in the final week of our 2020 Wisconsin Green Party ballot petition drive. If you want to be able to vote for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker on the Green ticket in 2020, please act now to make sure our candidates are on the ballot in November – we need your help!
Here's how to help:
1. Sign the Petition! If you can print, print out the petition. If you don't have printer access, submit our petition request form and we'll mail it to you. Ask your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors etc. to sign too. Every signature helps! (see below for how to submit your petitions)
2. Collect Petition Signatures! We need people to help collect signatures, either as volunteers or as paid petitioners. We are offering $1 per valid signature to people who can collect at least 20 signatures between now and August 1. If you are interested in petitioning either as a volunteer or as a paid petitioner, please contact our Ballot Access Director Barb Dahlgren at at [email protected] or 708-829-5315.
3. Donate for Ballot Access! The Hawkins/Walker campaign has qualified for federal matching funds, meaning that all contributions will be matched dollar-for-dollar by public money up to $250. Because the campaign is helping fund ballot access efforts, this allows us to basically double our donations to get on the ballot. Donate now at HowieHawkins.us!
4. Submit your Petitions! Once your petitions are complete, make sure to fill out and sign the Certification of Circulator at the bottom of each sheet (do not fill out the page number).
Then send your petitions as soon as possible, and no later than Friday July 31, to:
Wisconsin Green Party
PO Box 108
Madison, WI 53701
OR send petitions to (or drop them off for):
Barbara Dahlgren
1928 S. 56th St.
West Allis, WI 53219
If you have any questions, please contact Barb Dahlgren at [email protected] or 708-829-5315.
It's up to us to give millions of voters in Wisconsin the opportunity to vote for the only national party standing for Medicare for All, the real Green New Deal, and defunding wars and police so we can invest in real progress for our communities.
Thank you for your help getting the Green Party on the ballot this year!
Dave Schwab
Co-chair, WI Green Party