What do we do when the election is over by the Maine Green Independent Party
What does it mean now that this election is over? No more political commercials? Don’t have to think about anything political until the next election?
OR… Continue the work of our GREEN REVOLUTION!!!!
The 2016 election cycle is over and we have a President, Senators and House of Representative members in Washington D.C. probably doing the same old, same old nothing. The State House in Augusta will also mostly have more of the same.
More than ever, we need the GREEN REVOLUTION!!!!
We need candidates that represent our Green values.
We need candidates in LOCAL OFFICES from Selectmen/women, Budget Committees, School Boards and many other town and county offices. Lots of Maine’s local elections for these offices take place in a town meeting, many of which are held every spring. Find out what offices in your town are having openings and throw your name into the hat. While state-wide elections will take place in November 2018, these local offices may be available in just a few months.
We need STATE-WIDE CANDIDATES for Governor, Senate and House of Representatives. The 2018 election is not far away. Starting NOW will help to get Greens into Augusta. Just as important is to support these candidates. They need signatures from Maine Green Independent Party members to get on the ballot and to qualify for Clean Election funds. It is up to all of us to gather signatures and donations for our Green Party candidates so we can have the chance to be represented by folks that have our Ten Key Values at heart.
There will be a Candidate School organized soon to help those running for office and for those supporting them. Candidates will need treasurers and other support staff to run an effective campaign. The Candidate School will train those running for office as well as for the staff needed to be run a successful campaign.
The GREEN REVOLUTION!!!! here in Maine is not a sprint that ends after November 8. This has been the first leg of a marathon relay race to achieve our goals. Jill Stein’s presidential campaign is now handing the baton to us to run the next leg. Run for local office. Run for a state-wide office. Support those running by giving your time to gather signatures.
Go to the Maine Green’s web page at MaineGreens.org and click the RUN FOR OFFICE tab. There is information to help get started.
In solidarity,
Gil Harris, co-chair
(also elected to the Limerick Budget Committee)