Wisconsin Greens election results, news, and strategy session
A lot is happening with the Wisconsin Green Party (WIGP), so read on for an update about WIGP election results, news coverage from the 2022 election, and an invitation to an upcoming WI Green Party strategy brainstorming session!
WIGP Election Results
Here are the results from our WIGP Fall 2022 internal elections: Sam Chance was elected Co-chair, Bill Breihan was elected Operations Treasurer, Barbara Dahlgren was elected Recording Secretary, Melissa Minkoff was elected Congressional District (CD) 2 representative, Mike McCallister was elected CD-4 representative, and Jo' Nathan Kingfisher was elected CD-7 representative. Co-chair Dave Schwab still has one year remaining of his term.
All 6 platform amendment proposals and 1 bylaws amendment proposal were passed.
For a detailed breakdown of election results, go here. Thank you to everyone who participated in our democratic process!
Media coverage from the 2022 election
Several media outlets have recently covered the WIGP regaining ballot status thanks to Sharyl McFarland's performance in the Secretary of State race. Here are a few of those stories:
WI Public Radio: Wisconsin Green Party clears hurdle to appear on ballot in 2024
WisPolitics: Green Party crosses threshold to secure ballot status for '24 presidential election
WIZM: Green Party shows the path for providing voters more choices
WI Greens Strategy Brainstorming Session Sunday Dec. 11, 12-1pm
The Wisconsin Green Party is hosting a strategy brainstorming session and inviting all members to share their thoughts about how to build a stronger movement for peace, justice, democracy, and ecology!
Join us on Zoom Sunday December 11th at noon to make your voice heard.
This is your party - we want to hear what you think!
Join the meeting via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7027816186
Click here to see the event on Facebook, RSVP and invite friends!
New members are welcome!
To participate, you should be a dues-paying WIGP member in good standing. Go here to join or renew your membership: https://www.wisconsingreenparty.org/contribute
Members of the public are welcome to join as observers.
Thanks for all you do to help build our movement for the greater good!
Peace and solidarity,
Dave Schwab
Co-chair, WI Green Party
P.S. The Green Party is a people-powered party that refuses to take money from corporations, lobbyists or super PACs. We depend entirely on people like you for support. Please consider making a contribution to support our work - thank you!
Wisconsin Green Party
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