Wisconsin Green Party Fall 2023 Newsletter
Please read the Wisconsin Green Party newsletter for important updates, including information about our Fall Gathering, WIGP elections, bylaws proposals, and other critical info that members should know in the runup to the Fall Gathering membership meeting on Saturday November 18.
Don't forget to join us for the Fall Gathering on November 18!
The theme of this gathering will be “Genocide and Ecocide: Time to Act” and will feature two focused presentations and discussions. The first, with Dr. Murray Borrello, Director/Chair of Environmental Studies Program at Alma College, will be on the urgent challenge of climate change and ecological collapse, addressing the critical need for transformative environmental actions. The second, with Jonathan Kuttab, will center on the situation in Gaza, highlighting the human and environmental impacts of the conflict.
Go here to learn more and RSVP to the WI Green Party Fall Gathering.
Hope to see you on November 18!
Peace and solidarity,
Dave Schwab
Co-chair, WI Green Party
P.S. The Green Party is a people-powered party that refuses to take money from corporations, lobbyists or super PACs. We rely entirely on people like you for support. Please consider making a contribution to support our work - thank you!
WI Green Party
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