Wintergreen Dance Party
Hey Maine-Green Independents, and Anyone that wants to dance and have fun. We are having a fundraising event in Lewiston. Lewiston has the second largest consolidation of Green Independents in the State of Maine.
We hope you can come and join us at the Franco Center for our Wintergreen Dance Party and fundraiser ... Fun for all ... If you can make it you will get to show of your stuff on the dance floor, and meet candidates, and other like minded Greens from around the state of Maine.
Wintergreen Dance Party
Franco Center
46 Cedar Street
Lewiston, Maine
Saturday, February 17, 2018
7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Snow Date, Sunday February 25
D.J.'s Chuck Brown
Bring the House Down
Tickets $12.00 / $15.00 at the door
50/50 Raffle + Cash Bar
If for any reason you are unable to attend, feel free to make a donation by purchasing a ticket @ Wintergreen Dance Party.
Your donation of a ticket purchase would be much appreciated. Your donation will help support Green candidates in Maine, and forward our party. The Maine Green Independent Party needs your donation.
Please feel free to print out the Wintergreen Dance Party poster at the top of this email, and hand it out to the people that you may meet during your day.
Sincerely, Alan Brown
Promotions Fundraising Committee