Wisconsin Green Party to host campaign school
Learn to lead at our Green Campaign Training School!
The Wisconsin Green Party is hosting a one-day Green Campaign Training School on Saturday April 7th in Milwaukee for anyone who is interested in running for office as a Green or working on a Green campaign.
We highly encourage people who are planning to run for office (or considering a campaign) to attend together with their prospective campaign managers and other key team members. The campaign school is also open to anyone who wants to support Green campaigns and would like to gain the skills and knowledge needed to be an essential part of a campaign team.
Click here to learn more about the Green Campaign Training School!
The curriculum of this intensive day-long training will include:
how to plan for a winning campaign
developing a campaign strategy
assembling a campaign team
the roles of the candidate and campaign manager
defining a message
getting the message out
budgeting and fundraising
technology and social media
and more.
The Green Party seeks to empower regular people to run for office and break down the barriers that prevent people from taking part in politics, government, and the decisions that affect our daily lives. To that end, this campaign school will be free and open to the public. Greens from outside Wisconsin are welcome as well. Although participation does not necessarily imply Green Party support, information will be provided to participants about the process for seeking Green endorsement.
The Green Campaign Training School will be held on Saturday April 7th from 12 noon to 8 pm at the First Unitarian Society at 1342 N Astor Street, Milwaukee. The event will be livestreamed and recorded. For maximum benefit, we recommend that prospective candidates and their team members attend in person. Attendees should register as soon as possible so that organizers have ample time to make arrangements and send important information. Refreshments, coffee and tea, and a late lunch will be provided on-site (with a $5 donation requested to cover food costs).
Click here to learn more about the Green Campaign Training School!
Click here to see the event on Facebook and invite friends!
Contact WIGP co-chair Dave Schwab at [email protected] if you have any questions. Mark your calendar and don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to lead the way to a better world!
Dave Schwab
Co-chair, Wisconsin Green Party