Vote Green Today - Write-In Hawkins/Mattera!
It's Election Day!
Wondering how to write-in Howie Hawkins and Gloria Mattera for Governor and Lt. Governor on your ballot?
It’s easy: at the bottom of the Gov/Lt. Gov column on your ballot, you’ll see a box for write-ins. Make sure to write in Howie Hawkins & Gloria Mattera inside that box (don’t go outside the lines or it may not count!) and fill in the write-in bubble.
That’s it!
Here’s a good explainer, too.
So please vote - and vote Green. While you’re doing it make sure to tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
No matter what, we’re going to keep fighting for grassroots democracy, economic and social justice, and ecological wisdom, and we know you will too.
Here are other ways you can help, too:
- Chip in $5 to help with our ballot-line defense fund
- Pledge to vote for Howie Hawkins and Gloria Mattera.
Connect with your local Green organization
Green Party of New York
Gloria Mattera and Peter LaVenia, GPNY
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