You Ran for Office. Now What?
Tuesday, December 12, 9 PM Eastern
This conference call is designed for people who ran for office (or were actively involved in a campaign) in 2017 as a Green Party candidate. This particular session will cover two main topics:
Debriefing your run so that you (and future candidates) can actually learn from your experiences
How to transition the momentum and energy from campaign-mode to general party building
The CCC would also like feedback from candidates on what the party can do to better support candidates and what you wish you knew before you ran.
Unlike other webinars in this series, this will be more of a conversation among peers, with less formal presentations from designated speakers.
The call will be facilitated by CCC member Erin Fox.
- December 12, 2017 at 9:00pm – 10:30pm
- online
- 43 people are going
Erin Fox
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