Join the Green Wave - GOTV in 2018!
The Green Party Calls for Green Wave Volunteers!!
The Coordinated Campaign Committee is calling for a national Green Wave in support of our 2018 candidates. We have a great group of candidates running in this year's election. They need your help. The 2018 Green Wave is an effort to mobilize volunteers in the final weeks of the campaign. Find and support a candidate near you and volunteer today!
Mobilizing our membership to actively support our candidates is one of the most important resources we have as a party.
Volunteers can help candidates from a distance with donations to a candidate they support, make calls as part of a candidate’s phone bank, and by helping online.
People can help with:
- Flyer drops
- Door to door canvassing
- HUMAN billboards messaging at busy street corners
- Leafleting a public event
- Other creative outreach
Connect with Green candidates at
Donate to the CCC so we can get our own phonebanking system for 2018! And join the Facebook group for Green phonebanking volunteers.