Ballot Access Time in Indiana
Fellow Indiana Greens, Phil Sanders here, a member of the Circle City Green Party of Indianapolis and the Indiana Ballot Access Liaison.
It is time for us to gather signatures on Indiana's (CAN-19) Indiana Petition of Nomination for Federal, State, State Legislature or Local Office IN 2018. Some of our Indiana Green Party groups have begun this procedure already, and I am appreciative of that initiative!
Since the signatures we will be asking of our fellow Hoosiers will be for "Registered Voters" it will be important for us to have Indiana's (VRG-7) form, Indiana Voter Registration Application or a Federal Voter Registration Application, available to us to register eligible state residents whose signatures would then be legal for our petition forms. The state forms are downloadable on the Secretary of State page at's "Election Division" section. Also available at E-204 office (new state office building), and at Indiana county voter registration offices.
A short list of suggestions for meeting our potential signature goal:
- Volunteers – every Green needed!
- Be Prepared – plenty of petition forms (need seperate form for any different county a signer is from)! Clipboard, pens, VRG-7 or Federal Voter Registration applications, Green Party info (i.e. Four Pillars of the Green Party and the Ten Key Values of the Green Party).
- The holidays are near, shoppers are plentiful! Churches, colleges, festivals, meetings, family gatherings, and so many others!
- Be polite, "Indiana needs the Green Party"!
- 26,699 signatures are needed; Goal: 30,000.
I will be attempting to visit some of our state Green organizations during our petition campaign.
We have potential candidates and we hope that each of our state groups are pursuing more.
Our petition effort will be due to the Secretary of State's office by 12:00 noon on July 2, 2018. It will take serious effort to succeed, but we can do this!
Phil Sanders
P.S. For info or help: [email protected] or 317-737-6634.
Note from the Communications Director
Fellow Greens:
We have a relatively small window to collect all of the signatures we need to achieve ballot access. Because time is of the essence we are starting the petition campaign now. If we do this right, future Indiana Green Party candidates will not have to petition for signatures again!
The Indiana Green Party candidate we are collecting signatures for is seeking the office of Secretary of State. (His name should appear on the petition form mentioned above, but if by chance it doesn't for you, please contact us). The official public announcement is forthcoming and will take place at an event which is in the planning phase now. Stay tuned for more information.
Note: There are a variety of ways to register to vote. You can print the above mentioned forms and mail them, you can register online or you can register by using the new Indiana Voters App.
Further note: Petition carriers are required to fully complete and affix their signature to the affidavit at the bottom of each page of the petition prior to filing with the county voter registration office.
Teri Cento
Communications Director