Before you take off for the weekend ...
This Labor Day, we can't help but think about the insanity that is our country's desperate need for countless people-hours to transform our infrastructure and renew public services while, at the same time, countless people and families across our nation suffer for lack of living-wage jobs.
But as crazy as that problem is, the solution makes perfect sense: an Eco-Socialist Green New Deal. Greens have fought for it. And the idea is catching on, thanks to the tremendous effort of our members and candidates. Will you give to the Green Party of New York today so we can keep up the fight at this pivotal time? Because you and I know there is nothing the corporate power structure would love more than to erase the most essential, radical demands of the GND. We cannot allow that.
Militant workers' movements and parties won — for many of us — an eight hour workday, weekends off and many important workplace protections. That fight is far from over. Too many workers today do not enjoy those protections and benefits. What can we win now, for them? What can we win for all of us, tomorrow? A real Green New Deal? People and Planet, Over Profit?
With your contribution and continued support, we can find out.
Gloria and Peter,
Green Party of New York