Green Party Candidate for New York City Council, District 38
Carmen V. Hulbert is a Peruvian-born journalist, filmmaker & activist. She was an elected Bernie Sanders delegate for Brooklyn-CD7 for the DNC-2016 & co-founder of LatinosforBernieNYC. Carmen is a retired Associated Press journalist & union organizer for the NMG-CWA.
Hello friends,
I'm running for City Council in District 38 with the Green Party on November 7, 2017.
District 38 encompasses Red Hook and Sunset Park two of the most vulnerable neighborhoods for displacement in New York City, and they need a city council leader that will stand up for the community against developers and special interests.
I would like to lead that fight in our district, with your support.
Queridos amigos,
Me postulo como candidata para concejal del Distrito 38 de Brooklyn, NY, por el Partido Verde en las elecciones del 7 de noviembre del 2017.
El distrito 38 abarca Red Hook y Sunset Park, dos de los vecindarios más vulnerables ante el desplazamiento urbano que ocurre en la ciudad de Nueva York, por ello se necesita un concejal que lidere y defienda a la comunidad ante las empresas de bienes raíces y los grupos de poder.
Yo quisiera liderar esa lucha en nuestro distrito, con el apoyo de todos ustedes.