Call President Biden, Thursday July 28 – Tell Him to Declare a Climate Emergency and Implement

Call President Biden: 202-456-1111 (between 11 AM to 3 PM ET) or online at


  1. It is time for President Biden to act on the climate crisis before it is too late.

  2. He should declare a climate emergency and issue critical executive orders as outlined in

  3. He also needs to stop all new fossil fuels and enact a comprehensive Green New Deal with a 10 year timeline to get to zero emissions, combined with a strong Economic Bill of Rights.

Click here to Tweet: "We need @JoeBiden to declare a #ClimateEmergency and issue Executive Orders ( It is time for the Democrats to say No to fossil fuels and their campaign donations. We need an ecosocialist #GreenNewDeal. ("

17 calls

Will you call President Biden at 202-456-1111?

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Background: Climate change is the greatest threat to humanity. At our present rate of greenhouse gas emissions, we will exceed the 1.5 degree C threshold within 7 years. For the last decade, the various Green Party presidential candidates have pledged to take executive action on climate on their first day in office. Green Party candidates first called for a Green New Deal back in 2010.

President Biden promised voters he would take at least some action on climate. Yet he has violated his campaign pledges. For instance, he has increased the number of permits for fossil fuels on federal land despite saying he would end them. He has stood idly by while Senator Manchin, heavily invested in coal, has blocked action of his inadequate and ever shrinking Build Back Better climate budget initiative.

Last week, Biden overruled his own staff and at the last moment refused to declare a climate emergency and take essential executive action on climate. He said after decades in the Senate and the White House that he still needed more time to “study” the issue. Yet is was clear even before Biden took office that a divided Congress owned by the fossil fuel industry was never going to enact any climate legislation and that even the more limited budget reconciliation process was going to be difficult. The President has many key steps through executive orders he can take to implement climate action under existing law.

EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States. —

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