Dan Plaat

Green Party Candidate for Mayor of Albany

Dan-Platt-on-bench.jpgI'm running for Mayor of Albany; to organize, educate, and agitate. I'm doing so as a green, Because we need a party of change, not change in an old party. 

We need Democracy and political innovation. I see government as being a facilitator for access to common resources, and provider of guidelines for everything else. Thus many problems stem from the representative form of government we take for granted, with blanket standards that ignore context lead to lack of trust and micromanagement of the public. My goal is to make government more participatory, so there are more voices, more choices. I propose changing the rules for fair access in elections and beyond. To have an organization that fits with the digital tools we have. Rules are not fate and we need to question everything in our shared search for solutions to life's persisting problems.

As Mayor of Albany I will continue to educate, be active, grow the party, then step back to allow others to take charge: my purpose as I see it; is to organize and legislate myself into irreverence, because we should not depend on the power of others, we have the power ourselves. This is the primary message of the Green Party; with candidates, goals and strategies based on our values and principles, not donors or clubs. No one or nothing gets left behind expect the institutions and organizations that have systematically failed us. We wish to be a voice for today's movements, to sway the apathetic and the anti-political, for workers and professions of all types. I finish by thanking you for your attention, and a truth.

To change everything, start anywhere.
