David Kulma

David-Kulma-264x300.jpgI'm a teacher, a musician, an online video maker, a husband, a son, a brother, a dog owner, and a concerned citizen.

I have strong moral convictions that we must protect the least among us, honestly speak truth to power, and work together to solve our problems. Although I've spent most of my life working hard as a musician, I've grown tired with how our politicians ignore our issues, and have chosen to run for Congress to make sure that the values we share (democracy, peace, justice, and protecting our planet) have a voice in this special election.

Our politicians from both parties trust bankers, but they do not trust people like you and me.

You can see this process over and over again when you look at every sector of our society. The rich and powerful bribe politicians with campaign donations and lobbying gifts to get them to change policy to fuck over the majority of Americans in order to further enrich those in power. The kickbacks must be great. Corruption is legal in this country.

So after this dreadful election in the fall, I decided it was finally time for me to get involved beyond my work. I wanted to make sure the values I hold dear that I apply every day when I teach are represented in Washington. And no one else stood up to protect them, so I'm running as a Green candidate for the 2017 special election in South Carolina's 5th Congressional district.

If you care about education, healthcare, housing, ending prison slavery, and other vitally important issues, I hope you'll volunteer, donate, and vote for me on June 20th.

David Kulma
March 10, 2017

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