December News from Monroe County, NY
Usually the Green Party of Monroe County has its monthly meeting on the second Thursday of each month. For this month we are bumping that a week to Thursday, December 20th. Why? So we can get together to watch the latest Michael Moore movie, Fahrenheit 11/9!
Join us to watch Fahrenheit 11/9 on the 20th at 7:00 pm at the Flying Squirrel Community Space, 285 Clarissa Street. It’s free, wheelchair accessible, and of course the captioning will be on.
Hey, did you hear the news?
A Green has already announced their intention to run for office in 2019 in Rochester! Current party Co-Chair, Dave Sutliff-Atias is running for City Council in the East District. Check out his website at There are already issue statements on corporate welfare and government corruption with a new topic to be added each week. He’s even put together a playlist for you to plan the Revolution to.
Want to run for office yourself? Check out the list of seats that are open throughout the County here.
Or maybe instead you’d like to help run the Green Party of Monroe County. All four officer positions are open come this January. We’ll be having an internal election for registered Greens using Ranked Choice Voting at our January 10th meeting. Two Co-Chairs, Secretary, & Treasurer are all up for grabs. Come to run and/or come to vote. Details are coming soon.
Don’t forget that the next Rochester City Council meeting is Tuesday, December 18th at City Hall. Speak to Council starts at 6:30pm and the official meeting starts at 7:30pm. Call 311 to sign up to speak or just come down and support those who are speaking truth to power.
Keep warm and we’ll see you on the 20th.
Green Party of Monroe County