Join the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts and more than 17 environmental, peace, justice and democracy organizations in an exciting, first-of-a-kind Earth Day Rally for People, Planet and Peace over Profit!
We’ll hear speakers and music at Park Street Station, Boston, from 1:00 -2:30 pm. Then we’ll march to Copley Square to join forces with Extinction Rebellion at the Freedom From Fossil Fuels tour at 3:30 pm.
We’ll build support for solutions to the interlocking crises threatening our future on a livable planet - from climate collapse to endless war and looming nuclear threats, crushing economic and racial inequality, the assault on civil liberties and human rights, rapacious materialism, imperialism and more.
Come have a fun afternoon building solidarity and collaborative action for transformative solutions as big as the crises barreling down on us. Even better, volunteer to help at the event.
Together we're unstoppable!
For more information, see Earth Day Rally for People, Planet and Peace, or the Facebook event page.
P.S. To help at the event, contact David K: [email protected].
In Solidarity,
Jill Stein, former Green Presidential Candidate
Lois Gagnon, GRP Co-Chair
Rick Purcell, GRP CoChair
- April 22, 2022 at 1:00pm – 4pm
Park Street Station
Tremont St and Winter St
Boston, MA 02108
United States
Google map and directions -
Green-Rainbow Party
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