We would like to invite you to a follow-up meeting to the Green Party Peace Action Committee's (GPAX) webinar, "Nonviolence in a Violent World: Making a Difference Through Direct Action and Civil Disobedience." The zoom call will be next Thursday December 16 at 7:30 p.m. EST.
The webinar is seen as a springboard to generate ideas about actions and activities for 2022. We hope to build upon the daring actions of the individuals and groups who spoke on the webinar, who by their actions took a stand for the environment, workers solidarity and world peace.
We had an excellent webinar. The speakers were outstanding and the audience asked insightful questions. Please check out the list of speakers and share the video.
Please join us for this important discussion.
To register send your name, city and state, email, organization, and phone number to [email protected].
For Jobs and Peace,
Madelyn Hoffman,
Gloria Mattera,
Cris Mann,
Jill Stein,
Logan Martinez
- December 16, 2021 at 7:30pm – 9:30pm
Peace Action Committee of the Green Party
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