Fourth of July means Political Independence to Greens
Greens Have Declared Political Independence from Corporate Parties!
Today's global crisis faced by people, planet and peace is not unexpected, and they are addressable. Every devastating challenge we struggle with today has been caused by the actions or inactions of both corporate parties of War and Wall Street that work to ensure the flow of profits to a handful of billionaires, with disregard to the needs of people, both at home and abroad.
Green Party's 10 Key Values are a road map to an alternative system for a socially and racially just, ecologically sustainable, democratic and peaceful society that exists in harmony with nature. We call this alternative social, economic, and political system “EcoSocialism", founded on democracy, equity, and solidarity.
We hold these values and beliefs in defiance of systemic oppression, and we know that the vast majority of people share our values, so together we can build resilient communities for the better world we know is possible.
On this 4th of July, the Green Party of California acknowledges those who historically suffered injustices since the inception of this country and those who continue to pay the price of greed and corruption permeating our economy and our government.
We honor community organizers, mutual aid advocates, and all Green Party members who by registering Green declare independence from the politics of fear and division. We also acknowledge all Green candidates and office holders who work to serve their communities with integrity and accountability as they reject the influence of corporations and lobbyists.
The Green Party of Untied States 2024 Presidential Nominating Convention
Local Actions -> Global Impacts, August 15 - 18, online
The Green Party of the United States will hold its Annual Meeting and the 2024 Presidential Nomination Convention (PNC) online from Thursday, Aug. 15 to Sunday, Aug. 18.
The convention will take place online at the Green Party's web site ( and on social media sites. All Greens are invited to register and attend discussions, workshops, and the Nominating Convention, where Delegates from State Green Parties will cast their votes for the Green Party's presidential nominee.
Learn more about the Green Party's Presidential Nominating Process and check out the 2024 Green Party Media Kit. Agenda details will be posted soon.
If you are interested in applying to become a Green Party of California PNC Delegate or Alternate, you can complete and submit this PNC application FORM to our Delegate Selection Team ASAP as our deadline is approaching.
Media Workshop for Greens
"If the media and public don't know about you, you don't exist."
Thursday July 11, 5pm PT, 8 pm ET, online
If you are a Green candidate, campaigner, state & local Green Party organizer who is interested in media outreach, this workshop is for you!
The Green Party of United State's Media Director, Scott McLarty, will present a workshop on all aspects of outreach to news media: press releases, press conferences, contacting reporters, outreach through social media and video, and a lot more.
All are welcome to attend this workshop hosted by the Green Party of United States. The workshop is free but advanced registration is required HERE.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The Free & Equal Presidential Debate with Jill Stein
Friday, July 12, 5-7pm PT / 8-10 PM EDT
Streaming Online and Live at Caesars Forum, Las Vegas
Join us for the live broadcast of the Free & Equal Presidential Debate @FreedomFest, moderated by Congressman Thomas Massie and Christina Tobin.
As of now, confirm attendees are Dr. Jill Stein (Green Party), Chase Oliver (Libertarian Party), and Randall Terry (Constitution Party). Other candidates invited were President Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Independent), and Dr. Cornel West (Independent).
There will be a public voting process to pick the debate winner! So be sure to attend to support and vote for Jill!
To qualify, candidates must meet two criteria: 1) be constitutionally eligible to serve as President and 2) have secured ballot access in a sufficient number of states to have a mathematical chance of securing the Electoral College majority in the upcoming election or receiving more than 2% in a national poll that meets Free & Equal's polling standards.
If a nomination has not yet occurred, the candidate who received the most state party delegate votes will be selected to participate.
#FreeAndEqual #Debate
Millions can "SAFELY" vote for Jill Stein!
A perspective on why Greens vote for the GREATER GOOD, not the lesser evil!
We Greens are often asked to defend our political choices by those whose minds are made up by the color of their corporate Party logo long before (if ever) they learn about the policies and positions of their candidate. Laura Wells, Green party of California's spokes person shares a perspective on why "Millions can SAFELY vote for Jill Stein" and more importantly, why they SHOULD.
Here we share some excerpts from Laura's essay, read its entirety HERE.
"Yes, you and millions of people in the United States — who oppose death and destruction, and who want real policies that help people and benefit the planet and peace — can safely vote for Jill Stein in November, and have NO WORRIES that your votes will help a candidate you oppose! ...
A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for … Jill Stein! And for the values of people, planet and peace. Even if you disagree with the idea that you should always vote for the best candidate no matter what, still, especially in the states that are not "swing states" — red or blue — millions of people can vote for Jill Stein. In California, for example, whether a person votes for Jill Stein or even for Trump, all of California's votes, in the form of electoral college votes, will go to one candidate, and the likelihood is overwhelming that they will go to the Democrat....
In all three presidential years, 2012, 2016, and 2020, in California two million voters could have "safely" voted for people, planet and peace — rather than war and Wall Street — by casting their votes for the Green Party candidate. The Democratic candidate still would have received all of California's electoral college votes."
A better world is possible!
#JillStein2024 #VoteGreen
Thank you all who joined our General Assembly on June 29!
Your participation builds the Green Party with people's voices and choices.
Help us turn our Government Green! >> VOLUNTEER. DONATE. ADVOCATE << Thank you, FB@CaGreens ~ |
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