Fourth of July means Political Independence to Greens
Greens Have Declared Political Independence from Corporate Parties!
Today's global crisis faced by people, planet and peace is not unexpected, and they are addressable. Every devastating challenge we struggle with today has been caused by the actions or inactions of both corporate parties of War and Wall Street that work to ensure the flow of profits to a handful of billionaires, with disregard to the needs of people, both at home and abroad.
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Declare Your Independence - Get Greens on the Ballot!
It's time to declare your independence from the system that tries to tell us that two golf handicap-obsessed men who support and are funded by the same corporate interests and oppressive overseas regimes are the only choices to lead this nation.
After last week's debate where no one won and America overwhelmingly lost, the entire country is searching for ways to declare their independence. The Maryland Green Party is working to meet the moment by winning ballot access and providing an alternative for voters desperate for something new.
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