Greenstar July 2024
Jill Stein for President – A Moral Imperative
By Bill Carini, Tompkins Weekly, May 15, 2024
The timeworn tactic of voting for the lesser of two evils has led us to unutterable evil, as exemplified by the arming of, and diplomatic cover for, Israel’s atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank. This war crime is only the latest in a very long series of moral outrages committed by successive Democrat and Republican regimes. The military-industrial complex requires enemies to thrive, and our bought-and-paid-for presidents are happy to oblige. Even if that means risking all in a confrontation with Russia or China.
As we stand at the brink of World War III, climate collapse, and economic devastation we urgently need a change of direction. A Jill Stein presidency offers us that vital change. Hers is a genuine grass-roots campaign, untainted by the corporate cash that fuels and controls the homnicidal Democrat and Republican candidates.
Jill will implement a foreign policy rooted in respect for international law, human rights, diplomacy, and win-win solutions. She is not bound to the weapons industry and intends to redirect our stupendously bloated military spending towards solving the climate crisis. She will not export weapons to any country that uses them to commit war crimes and other violations of international law.
Jill’s economic advisors are the brilliant economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson. They have a vision for a radically reformed economic system that would restore our productive economy and reverse the trend of favoring the parasitic FIRE sector (Finance, Insurance, Real Estate) which began in earnest under Reagan, was turbo-charged by Clinton, and continued to be amplified under their successors in office, leading to the grotesque income inequality we suffer from today
PA Green News
Edited by Chris Robinson
Allegheny Greens Table at Bloomfield Farmers Market
On the morning of June 22, members of the Green Party of Allegheny County tabled at the Bloomfield Farmers Market in Pittsburgh. They were gathering signatures to get Green Party Presidential hopeful Jill Stein (and other state-wide Green candidates) on the November ballot.
GPPA State Committee Meeting
On June 9, delegates from nine counties and their friends participated in the Green Party of PA State Committee meeting where they heard reports from four teams: communications, core, finance and green wave. The delegates decided by consensus to commend the GPPA Committee to Fill Vacancies for their efficient work in finding a replacement candidate for U.S. Senate. The delegates also decided by consensus to change the date and location of the next State Committee meeting to Sunday, September 8, in McKean County. That in-person meeting will be hosted by GPPA Delegate Barbara Laxon.
PA Greens Join Others for Safe, Affordable Energy
Philadelphia City Council will soon approve a FY 2025 Capital Budget for Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW). POWER Interfaith and eight other environmental justice organizations have now requested City Council to adopt an amendment requiring PGW to justify its request for $19 million to build new gas infrastructure (“load growth”). POWER says, “The Capital Program Protocols that City Council has enacted as binding law require PGW to substantiate proposed load growth projects with a showing that they will produce an acceptable return on investment.”
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) Steering Committee signed onto the POWER request on May 19. GPPA Co-chair Jeremy Griffin said, “I am so glad the Green Party has signed off on this. PGW does not need to be creating any new fossil fuel infrastructure. In fact, no for-profit company needs to be creating any new fossil fuel infrastructure. Since 2006, ‘Keep It in the Ground’ has been a major demand by environmentalists. I’m so glad that the Green Party took a stand against fracking in 2008. Also, it is good to see this environmental justice demand spread to other organizations ...”
"We can’t let City Council forget Philadelphia's climate goals,” said GPPA Steering Committee Member Alex Casper. “If PGW is allowed to build new gas infrastructure, it will raise our cost of living. The Green Party’s Ten Key Values call for us to stand up to City Council when they want to take money out of the pockets of our residents and accelerate the catastrophe of climate change . . . ."
The following environmental justice organizations have signed onto the POWER Interfaith letter to Philadelphia City Council: Citizens Climate Lobby Philly Chapter, Clean Air Council, Green Party of Pennsylvania, Green Party of Philadelphia, Philly DSA, Philly Thrive, Physicians for Social Responsibility PA, and Sierra Club PA.
Campaign Updates
Edited by Chris Robinson
Green Party candidates who plan to run in 2025 are welcome to contact GREEN STAR at [email protected].
The Green Party has endorsed for state-wide office:
Dr. Jill Stein for President of the U.S. and Samson L. Kpadenou for Vice President
Jill Stein tells GREEN STAR, “People are, shall we say, much more engaged in this election than I’ve seen before. What we’re hearing now is like what we’ve learned over the last decade, but the volume is way turned up. Our program intends to eliminate poverty. And number two, ensure that racial justice is a major dimension of our Green New Deal, a major economic redevelopment program. We are spending $12,000 this year – $12,000 per household – on the Forever War Machine. These funds should be more effectively used to address domestic issues.”
You may volunteer for the Jill Stein 2024 Campaign right here, You may donate to her campaign right here,
Leila Hazou for U.S. Senate
Leila Hazou tells GREEN STAR, “I’ve been thinking a lot about the students and how much change we need to make for their sake. This generation has been left a mess, and our leaders continue to ignore, disparage and arrest them. They deserve better. Officials that are demonizing these brave students have lost sight of American values.”
We may follow Leila’s campaign on her website,;
Tiktoc,; and
Please support Leila’s campaign for U.S. Senate with a contribution,
Richard L. Weiss Esq. for PA Attorney General
Richard Weiss tells GREEN STAR, “In order for society to function, the public must support our police. In order for that to happen, we must have police worthy of support. We need to develop police standards of conduct that do not unnecessarily escalate use of force -- standards that are more appropriate to policing a domestic civilian population, rather than occupied territory in a warzone.
“Simultaneously, we need special prosecutors to handle cases of police misconduct. Ordinary prosecutors need police help in prosecuting cases, and help from police unions in getting reelected, and police protection from criminals. Therefore, there is a conflict of interest, and special prosecutors with their own security force are needed for prosecution of police.
“We should also end cash bail and stop imprisoning people who pose no threat to the community and have not been convicted of any crime. This and not charging a crime for mere possession or use of cannabis will reduce the prison population, cut down on tensions between police and the public, as well as save money wasted on expensive and unnecessary incarceration."
We may follow Richard’s campaign on Twitter/X,
Richard asks supporters to contribute to the GPPA, which may be done here,
The Green Party has endorsed one candidate for the PA General Assembly:
Charles Sherrouse for PA House District 202.
The candidate is from Philadelphia County. We look forward to telling you more in the August GREEN STAR.
Team Reports
Edited by Patrick O. McNally
Communication Team By Chris Robinson
The following report was made on June 9 to the GPPA State Committee:
The ComTeam has produced a GREEN STAR newsletter each month during 2024. We are having difficulty, however, with production of GPPA news releases. Thank you to at-large Steering Committee members Alex Casper (Philadelphia) and Jay Walker (Allegheny) for offering drafts for three of our nine news releases.
Thanks also to our six rank-and-file GPPA members who have written draft news releases: Rick Denzien (Montgomery), Marci Henzi (delegate, Allegheny), Doug Mason (delegate, Centre), Dave Ochmanowicz (delegate, Bucks), Chris Robinson (delegate, Philadelphia), and Shahin Shabani (Lycoming). We welcome further ideas for news releases, particularly from the Steering Committee and active GPPA members.
The ComTeam is also searching for a member who will help us design digital graphics for our news releases. Please share your ideas with us, [email protected]
Please join the Communication Team right here.
Finance Team
The team’s fundraising auction is ongoing, and new works of art by fellow Greens are being added. Check it out and place your bids at: If you are an artist and would like to make a donation of your work, please send a picture of your item and your contact info to [email protected]. Every donation and bid helps support the critical needs of our state party.
Please join the Finance Team right here.
Green Wave Team
The Green Party of PA needs 10,000 signatures by July 15 to get their candidates on the ballot. If you are NOT currently circulating a nomination paper for the Green Party’s statewide candidates, Jill Stein, Leila Hazou and Richard Weiss, now is the time to jump on board their ballot access campaign. The Green Party needs to finish strong in the next few weeks, and that means recruiting AT LEAST 25 more volunteers to collect valid signatures from registered voters. Wherever you are, the Green Party wants you to join in -- but help is especially needed to collect signatures in Berks, Bucks, Lancaster, Montgomery and Westmoreland Counties. Please email directly,[email protected]
Please join the Green Wave Team right here.
Core Team
The Core Team aims to return to regularly scheduled meetings, the first Monday of the month. Please join us on July 1 at 6:30 pm. The RSVP link will be on our Calendar page at The Core Team includes the critical committees and workgroups that help to ensure the smooth functioning of the state party, establishing party rules, developing the platform, and managing the tools and systems that maintain the party and allow it to grow.
Please join the Core Team right here.
National Green News
Edited by David Ochmanowicz Jr.
2024 Green Party ANM/PNC Registration
The 2024 Green Party Annual National Meeting / Presidential Nominating Convention (ANM/PNC) will be held virtually. We are delighted to gather virtually providing an opportunity for all to participate this year, while we continue efforts to meet again in person in the future. We will miss the opportunity to share space with Greens from across the country, but we can take this virtual gathering as an opportunity for national work on some of the most pressing challenges for this party.
We hope you will join us from August 15-18.
Democrats Sue Green Party to Block Jill Stein from Nevada Ballot
“The Democratic Party is escalating its attacks on [opposition] candidates in an effort to block any challenge to the two-party monopoly. On June 11, the campaign of Green Party candidate for U.S. president, Dr. Jill Stein, reported that the Nevada State Democratic Party has sued the Nevada secretary of state and the Nevada Green Party in an autocratic bid to keep Stein off the ballot... Jason Call, the campaign manager for Stein, reported that the Democrats filed their lawsuit less than 24 hours after the Green Party submitted some 29,500 signatures, nearly three times the 10,000 signatures required to appear on the ballot.
Conflict with China: Marching to Disaster
Recorded Webinar: The increasingly hostile posture of U.S. foreign policy toward China foreshadows a dangerous conflict with serious economic and military consequences. This webinar on June 5 explored the forces moving the U.S. and China towards conflict; described the likely outcomes of a clash between these great powers; and provided information on how citizens can work to avert what could become America’s greatest foreign policy disaster.
Global Green News
Edited by Hal Brown
Federation of African Greens Holds 5th Congress
The 5th edition of the Congress of the Federation of African Greens (FEVA) dedicated to the issues and challenges posed by political ecology on the African continent was held for 3 consecutive days in Kinshasa, capital of the Republic Democratic of Congo. The meetings were organized by the ecologist party Alliance of Congolese Ecologists Les Verts (AECO)...under the theme: “The anchoring of political ecology in Africa: issues, challenges and perspectives.”
Representatives of political parties from the DRC, Congo-Brazzaville, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Rwanda, Uganda, Somalia, Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Burundi, ‘Algeria, Kenya, Gabon, Egypt...participated in this series of meetings which allowed the election of a new executive council for a four-year term.
10th World Water Forum Held in Indonesia
The World Water Forum is one of the most important water events, bringing together stakeholders from all regions of the world to discuss water management challenges and develop solutions to improve access to water and the management of this vital resource. The discussions and recommendations emerging from the Bali World Water Forum in 2024 will be essential to guide public policies, investments and development initiatives aimed at ensuring effective and equitable water management for all...
Climate Change Could Increase Spread of Malaria in Africa
A recent study by researchers at the University of Florida, Pennsylvania State University and Imperial College published in the journal Nature Communications claims that global warming could increase the transmission of malaria in humans in tropical and subtropical areas already endemic to this disease “We used models to integrate our new data and explore the impact of predicted climate change on transmission at four sites in Kenya. But it is important to recognize that, depending on the country, local strains of mosquitoes and parasites may respond differently to temperature. Transmission in individual countries or locations may also be dominated by different mosquito species,” said Matthew Thomas, co-author of the study.
China’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fell in March 2024
In a study published on the specialized site Carbon Brief, the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) indicates that [China’s] carbon dioxide emissions fell by 3% in March 2024 compared to the last year. This is the first time that they have decreased...since the country lifted its anti-Covid restrictions in December 2022...The 3% drop was recorded...despite an ever-increasing demand for electricity almost entirely met by the means of renewable production massively installed by Beijing.
GPPA Meeting Dates for 2024
All State Web Conferences will begin promptly at noon.
Sunday, September 8, face2face in McKean County
Sunday, November 10, via Zoom
GPPA Communications Team
Issue Credits
Editors: Hal Brown, Patrick O. McNally, David Ochmanowicz, Jr. and Chris Robinson
Contributors: Alex Casper, Jeremy R. Griffin, Leila Hazou, Chris Robinson, Jill Stein and Richard L. Weiss
Layout: Hal Brown, Sherri Miller, and David Ochmanowicz Jr.
Graphic Arts: Kevin Richardson
Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values. If you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.
You can support the Green Party in many ways; however, a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful. As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact!
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Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. We have a new, tiered membership structure that allows you to determine your level of commitment and support. And if you want to get more directly involved, consider joining an action team Work with other committed progressives and activists in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns.
The GREEN STAR is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team * 2024.
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