"Home economics" is redundant
All economics is about the home. No, not your private residence, obviously. Economics is about our common home — Mother Earth. It's right there in the Greek οἶκος (oîkos) meaning home, the root of both our English words economics and ecology. Any economic model which ignores the ecology of the Earth is tragically incomplete. Maybe that's why Pope Francis subtitled his 2015 encyclical "On Care for Our Common Home."
I've been thinking about economics a lot this week, and not just because I'm filing my first campaign finance report. It's because I've finally published the third policy priority of this campaign, calling for a delightfully different Green New Orleans Deal.
The fact is that a number of municipalities have already implemented local versions of a Green New Deal, and even some states have gotten into the act.
Here’s a partial list as compiled by the Sierra Club:
New York City
Los Angeles
New Mexico
Washington DC
Notice anything? That’s right, every region of the country is represented except ours. Let’s take the initiative! Given our vulnerability to climate change, it only makes sense that New Orleans should be a leader in the American Southeast — and given our unique cultural heritage, it only makes sense that our Green New Deal should be radically different.
Read the full proposal on my website.
I've also been plugging away on the campaign trail, doing all the forums and interviews I can muster. Here's some recent recordings.
- Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center forum video on Facebook
- Green Wave Candidate Showcase interview video on YouTube or Twitter (with two other Green candidates for City Council in two other cities — one of whom is an incumbent)
- Urban League + Power Coalition forum video on YouTube — Don't miss this one!
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