Dario Hunter wins the Green Party of Minnesota 2020 presidential caucus straw poll
MINNEAPOLIS – On Tuesday February 25, the Green Party of Minnesota held its 2020 Presidential Caucus Straw Poll, which was the first Green Party Presidential caucus in the country in this election cycle. Rank Choice Voting was the voting method, however Dario Hunter won in the first round with 81% of the vote. Candidates were encouraged to send in a 2 minute video about their campaign platform Dario Hunter appeared in person and spoke about his vision for America.
Delegates will be chosen and awarded at the Green Party of Minnesota Summer meeting in June. Greens from across the Twin Cities participated in this festive event. The Resolutions that passed were as follows: The Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee proposal to Make Minnesota a Sanctuary State. Minneapolis city council member Cam Gordon proposal on Rank Choice Voting Local options and Statewide Legislation. Community Activist Lee Parker proposed renaming a stretch of the I94 Freeway to the Rondo Corridor. Green Party member Henry Helgen from Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light proposed 100% Clean Energy in Minnesota by 2030.
Two Green Party elected officials spoke including Minneapolis city council member Cam Gordon talked about how Green Policies are gaining ground like a Green New Deal for the city of Minneapolis. Minneapolis Park Board Vice President Latrissa Vetaw spoke of working toward 100% pesticide free parks throughout the city.
Candidates seeking the Green Party endorsement also delivered powerful messages. Darnella Wade who is running for state representative in district 65B, Minister Toya Woodland who is a candidate for U.S. representative in the 5th district and Scott Raskiewicz who is running for U.S Senate against Tina Smith.
We congratulate Mr. Hunter on his victory and are excited about all the candidates running as Greens in Minnesota during this 2020 election cycle.