While the Green Party won't be selecting our presidential nominee until July of 2020, the race for the 2020 Green Party presidential nomination has already begun. The Presidential Campaign Support Committee has published the documentation for those seeking our nomination. The PCSC also maintains a document listing those seeking our nomination.
At this point in the nomination process, the following candidates have met basic criteria for official recognition by the Green Party of the United States. They are Howie Hawkins, Dario Hunter and David Rolde.
The national Green Party is committed to maintaining a neutral stance towards those seeking our nomination. The individual campaigns are responsible for supplying the material that appears below and a posting does not imply endorsement or approval of the content by any Green Party entity.
May 27, 2020
The Covid-19 health catastrophe and economic depression has made it clear to all who are willing believe their own experiences that the two governing parties are presiding over a failed state
With 4% of the world’s population, the US has 30% of the world’s Covid-19 infections and deaths.
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May 15, 2020
(May 12, 2020, Syracuse, NY) – In a statement released today, Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker affirmed their support for science-based public health measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. They issued their statement as the House reconvened to consider a new coronavirus relief package in the midst of a push by the Trump administration and many governors to re-open the economy before strong public health measures are in place.
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May 07, 2020
SYRACUSE, NY, May 7, 2020 – Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker, Green Party nomination candidates for President and Vice President, called for federal prosecution of the killers of Ahmaud Arbery on Thursday.
Arbery, a 25-year-old African-American man, was jogging unarmed when he was shot and killed by two white men in Brunswick, Georgia on February 23. No arrests have been made or charges filed against the father and son shooters. The father is a recently retired investigator for the local district attorney. The killing provoked an international outcry this week after a video of the shooting surfaced.
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Apr 19, 2020
(SYRACUSE, NY, April 17, 2020) Howie Hawkins, who is leading in the primaries for the Green Party nomination for President, has been notified by Twitter that his campaign account is terminated.
Twitter terminated the account without any notice and said that there was no ability to appeal. Twitter said that the account violated its rule on impersonation. Besides not providing any process to appeal the termination, Twitter provided no information as to why it concluded the Howie Hawkins' president campaign account was impersonating Howie Hawkins or his campaign.
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Apr 19, 2020
To fortify a growing movement, the Dario Hunter/Darlene Elias 2020 Presidential Campaign has chosen to dedicate itself to diversity in a way it believes is unmatched by all other campaigns. For this reason, it is especially grateful to be able to announce that Dawn Neptune Adams will be joining the campaign as its Indigenous People’s Policy Advisor.Dawn is a member of the Penobscot Nation whose activist resume stretches back to 1998 when she began fighting for indigenous rights and environmental justice in Huntington Beach, CA. She has been on the frontlines of movements such as Occupy Wall St., Idle No More, Standing Rock, and the struggle to resist territorial theft of Penobscot land and water.
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Mar 30, 2020
The Case For An Independent Left Party: From The Bottom Up
The Howie Hawkins Green presidential campaign has published an ebook: The Case for an Independent Left Party: From the Bottom Up. With former Vice President Joe Biden now the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, many supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders are looking for another progressive option.
This has resulted in a #NeverBiden movement developing and more people leaving the Democratic Party. Since 2010 a majority of voters in the United States have wanted a third party, according to Gallup. People understand the two parties represent millionaires and billionaires, as they are funded by big business interests. They want a party for the people.
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Mar 27, 2020
Third-party candidates may be off the ballot this November unless petitioning requirements are relaxed, Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins told Yahoo News on Wednesday.
Hawkins said on the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery” that the Green Party may be unable to get on the ballot in as many as 30 states — including Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — due to state laws requiring third parties to collect thousands of signatures on ballots to qualify. Hawkins said it will be impossible to meet these requirements in light of White House guidelines urging citizens to stay at home and avoid social gatherings.
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Mar 26, 2020
Strength Through Equality
The unfolding epidemic of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) infections has laid bare the weaknesses in this country's healthcare infrastructure as well as the massive inequalities and economic weaknesses of our country's abusive system.
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Mar 26, 2020
On the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sunday's Biden-Sanders debate, Joe Biden said, "…you have a single-payer system in Italy — it doesn't work there. It has nothing to do with Medicare for All. That would not solve the problem at all."
Medicare for All has everything to do with fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Joe Biden has no idea what he is talking about. He only knows his anti-socialist dogma.
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Mar 03, 2020
The coronavirus is just beginning to hit the United States. The numbers of cases are small now but all signs signal a coming rapid increase and a public health emergency that the US is not equipped to handle. This deadly virus has a death rate 20 times greater than the flu, which kills tens of thousands of people in the United States each year.
The coronavirus crisis is exposing the gaping holes in the US healthcare system—holes in the health insurance system, in healthcare equipment and care facilities, and in global infectious disease control and public health protection programs.
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