While the Green Party won't be selecting our presidential nominee until July of 2020, the race for the 2020 Green Party presidential nomination has already begun. The Presidential Campaign Support Committee has published the documentation for those seeking our nomination. The PCSC also maintains a document listing those seeking our nomination.
At this point in the nomination process, the following candidates have met basic criteria for official recognition by the Green Party of the United States. They are Howie Hawkins, Dario Hunter and David Rolde.
The national Green Party is committed to maintaining a neutral stance towards those seeking our nomination. The individual campaigns are responsible for supplying the material that appears below and a posting does not imply endorsement or approval of the content by any Green Party entity.
Jun 19, 2019
A joint statement from Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry, Dennis Lambert and Ian Schlakman
Red-lining, Jim Crow, Stop and Frisk, Broken Windows Policing, Tax Seizures, Share-cropping, Military Draft, Lynching, Restrictive Covenants, Tipped Wages, Segregation, Wage TheftA nation that makes laws that are unjust must make amends for those injustices. Our nation, for better or worse, was built on a system of oppression, and despite legislation to reverse the institutional racism; we still have not done a full penance for the original sin of the foundation of the United States of America- slavery.
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Jun 17, 2019
The Howie Hawkins Campaign, which is seeking the Green Party nomination for president, applauded the Green Party of Texas for achieving ballot status. Governor Greg Abbott signed HB-2504 which gave the Green Party ballot access because Martina Salinas achieved more than 2% of the statewide vote total in her 2016 race for Railroad Commissioner.
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Jun 14, 2019
When I joined the Army over 27 years ago, I was asked three times if I had sex with a partner of the same sex. I was asked twice if I used illegal drugs. This was the first evidence I saw of structural prejudice towards the LGBTQ+ community.
When Bill Clinton became president, in a half-hearted attempt to allow equal rights of LGBTQ+, he instituted the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” program that said if you are willing to stay in the closet, you can serve your country. Don’t forget under President Clinton, the Defense of Marriage Act passed, preventing the marriage of same sex couples.
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Jun 14, 2019
The Texas bill that will retroactively and automatically give the Green Party of Texas ballot access was signed into law earlier this week!This is a cool win for a couple of reasons. First, we’re on the ballot because of the new law and because of Martina Salinas’ 2016 Railroad Commissioner race. Martina garnered 3.25% of the vote in 2016, enough to get us on the ballot under the new law.
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Jun 11, 2019
The US territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands remain devastated from hurricane Maria in 2017. People still lack adequate food, water, housing, power, transportation, communications, schools, and health care while Trump seeks to cutoff disaster relief funds. 45% of Puerto Ricans and 22% of Virgin Islanders live below the poverty line
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Jun 11, 2019
"A Woman's Place is in the House" is a phrase used by misogynist men to tell women that their only value is what they can do for the man who has them in their home. Women were treated as less than domestic servants, often with fewer rights than the male child they bore and were raising.The hope of the 19th Amendment for many women of the time was to balance the rights of the women in the country with those of the men. Enfranchisement of women for many only meant they were going to double their husband's vote. Other women, like personal hero Shirley Chisholm, tried to take the next step to be the representative of all of America.
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May 29, 2019
A funny thing happened to us as Green Party candidates in 2018. Howie Hawkins ran for New York Governor and Madelyn Hoffman for U.S. Senator from New Jersey. We were scolded by many progressives to drop out and unite behind the Democrats against Trump. Then immediately after the election some Democrats in Congress took the central theme of our campaigns — the Green New Deal — and grabbed the national spotlight.
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May 29, 2019
Due to financial and health concerns, I am unable to maintain a viable Presidential candidacy. However, I remain committed to the Green Party. Its success is humanity’s survival.
I will remain available, to all remaining candidates and to the Green Party, as a strategist, advisor and analyst, in my specialty fields of emergency management, disaster response, and national security/military affairs.
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May 28, 2019
Releases Budget for an Ecosocialist Green New Deal
Howie Hawkins announced in Brooklyn today that he is seeking the Green Party nomination for president.
Hawkins was a co-founder of the Green Party in 1984 and the first US candidate to campaign for a Green New Deal when he ran for governor of New York in 2010. He has three times polled enough votes to give the Green Party ballot status in New York, finishing third each time. He has also ran for US Senate against Hillary Clinton in 2006 and for local office many times in Syracuse, New York, where he has polled between 35% and 48% in his last four races. A retired Teamster, he has been an activist for civil rights, peace, unions, and the environment since the 1960s.
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May 28, 2019
As announced in Lansing, Michigan - Apr. 28, 2019 (at a meeting of the Capitol Area Greens).
We have a Constitution, Bill of Rights, a federal statutory framework and state as well as local laws supposedly designed to enshrine and protect the rights of all. And yet we live in a country that systematically violates the rights of many, including but not limited to People of Color.
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