January Greenstar 2025
Green Party Candidates: “It’s Worth the Effort”
GREEN STAR asked two state-wide Green Party candidates for their thoughts on the 2024 election.
Leila Hazou was the Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate. She owns a small business in Pike County. Hazou’s primary issue was a call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. She campaigned for equal rights for all working people, especially women and LGBTQ, and an end to racism.
Richard L. Weiss Esq. was the Green Party candidate for PA Attorney General. He is a lawyer in Allegheny County. During his campaign, Weiss charged, “Migrants aren't taking anyone's job, prison slave laborers are. I will require payment of market rates for work by inmates.” He also threatened to “sue any federal administration that continues to provide military aid in violation of the Foreign Assistance Act which requires that assistance may not be provided to any state which restricts humanitarian aid, as is currently occurring in Gaza."
GREEN STAR asked each of them four questions to help focus their thoughts:
GS: What advice would you offer to Greens who plan to run in 2025?
Hazou: Do it! Give it your best shot, do what you can, and just get out there. Making connections with and educating the community alone is worth your time and energy.
Weiss: Fight the good fight. It’s worth the effort to get our message out whether or not we win
PA Green News
Edited by Chris Robinson
Green Party to Elect 2025 Leaders
Meeting virtually on January 12, Green Party delegates from all corners of Pennsylvania will elect five officers for their 2025 Steering Committee: Co-Chair, Secretary, and three Members-at-Large. The nomination process has already ended, and a forum for nominated candidates has been scheduled. The election will take place at the Green Party’s State Committee meeting.
Allegheny Greens Organizing into New Year
The Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC) has been planning activities into the New Year. On January 20, 2025, GPOAC will participate in the national fight-back against the Trump administration, which is taking place in Washington, DC, and in Pittsburgh, PA.
During the last month of 2024, GPOAC members were very active:
- December 11, GPOAC had a Zoom meeting with March on Harrisburg to organize against corruption in the state capitol;
- December 13, GPOAC participated in a rally at Howmet Aerospace headquarters with the Pittsburgh BDS (Boycott-Divest-Sanction) Coalition against manufacture of parts for the F-35 fighter/bomber;
- December 16, GPOAC held a bowling social; and
- December 17, GPOAC held an open house with the Pittsburgh Sunrise Coalition.
For more information, please contact [email protected]
Campaign Updates
Edited by Chris Robinson
Green Party candidates who plan to run in 2025 are welcome to contact GREEN STAR at [email protected].
The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) is seeking voters who plan to run for elected office in 2025 as Green Party candidates. Below is some basic information for new candidates who will be running for the first time in 2025 and after.
The Green Party of the U.S. has some good information, especially “What Every Green Candidate Should Know,”http://www.gpus.org/other/committees/campaign/manual/shouldknow.pdf This guide was written in 2004 and was based upon a poll of candidates who ran in 2003. Little has changed since that time, and this document remains the best, brief guide for deciding whether or not you want to run for office as a Green.
The next step is to register to vote as a member of the Green Party. Most citizens with a Pennsylvania driver’s license or similar identification may register to vote online.https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/VoterRegistrationApplication.aspx Please note that you are not a registered Green Party member until you receive a Voter ID which says “Green” under the Party designation. Some people must try several times until this happens. If you have a problem with voter registration, please let me know.
Your Campaign Committee
Once a Green Party member decides to run, the first task is to organize a campaign committee (usually eight or ten friends and relatives) who will volunteer to assist. In forming a campaign committee, diversity is the best characteristic. One person (perhaps the most well known) will be chair of the committee, and one person (perhaps the most trustworthy) will be its treasurer.
For more information, please contact [email protected]
Global Green News
Edited by Hal Brown
Natural Disasters Caused $310 Billion in Economic Losses
“Climate change is also playing a growing role,” said the head of catastrophe coverage at Swiss Re, Balz Grollimund. The group notes that with a global average temperature that is “1.54°C above pre-industrial levels, 2024 is on track to become the hottest year on record” which “favors the occurrence of many of the natural catastrophes observed” this year.
Double Edged Challenge of Carbon Credits for Africa
While developed countries are dragging their feet to support the financing of climate action, at the same time, we are seeing a craze for the issue of carbon credits. So we are asking ourselves a lot of questions,” explains the Ivorian minister Jacques Assahoré Konan. Especially since no one is sure of the real impact of this mechanism on the reduction of greenhouse gases. Doubts confirmed by scientists. According to a study, only 16% of carbon credit projects actually serve to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The rest is considered greenwashing.
Climate: How to Measure and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
The carbon footprint represents the quantity of greenhouse gases generated by human activities. For the year 2023, it amounts to an average of 9.4 tonnes per inhabitant. Even if this remains intangible, it is the equivalent of a trip around the world by car . . . . It is possible to measure your carbon footprint using a simulator put online by Ademe, the ecological transition agency.
GPPA Meeting Dates for 2025
All State Web Conferences will begin promptly at noon.
Sunday, January 12, RSVP here, https://www.gpofpa.org/20250112_state_committee
Sunday, March 9
Sunday, June 8
Sunday, September 14
Sunday, November 9
GPPA Communications Team
Issue Credits
Editors: Hal Brown, Patrick O. McNally, David Ochmanowicz Jr. and Chris Robinson
Contributors: Theron Gilliland Jr, Leila Hazou, Chris Robinson, Jay Ting Walker and Richard L. Weiss, Esq.
Layout: Hal Brown, Sherri Miller, and David Ochmanowicz Jr.
Graphic Arts: Kevin Richardson
Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values. If you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.
Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. We have a new, tiered membership structure that allows you to determine your level of commitment and support. And if you want to get more directly involved, consider joining an action team Work with other committed progressives and activists in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns.
The GREEN STAR is an official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications Team * 2025.
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