Jim Brewer
Jim Brewer, long-time Green Party of Hawai'i member and activist, candidate for public office plus Honolulu community organizer, passed away on May 26, 2020.
He protested Chinatown evictions in the 1970s and advocated for nuclear disarmament in the 1980s. He was Vice President of Lokahi Employees for Economic and Democratic Advancement (LEEDA) that opposed Honolulu bus fare increases and advocated for the creation of the state-wide A+ program in the 1980s.
He sought rent control and advocated on housing issues in the 1990s. He was part of the Hawai'i Housing Now coalition and served on the Inter-governmental and Planning Subcommittee of the 1991 Housing Summit. He held a daily vigil in front of the legislature during its 1992 session to encourage action on housing issues -- nearly every housing bill supported by advocates passed that year.
He and his wife Renee Ing hosted and produced a long running public affairs and people's rights program on 'Ōlelo Community Television. He was well-known for his pamphlets discussing his political views which were filled with unmatched optimism for a better tomorrow.
He ran for the following elective offices in Hawai'i: Governor, 2018 (Green); Honolulu city council, 2012 (non-partisan race); US senator, 2010 (Green); Governor, 2006 (Green); US senator, 2004 (non-partisan); 2002, governor (non-partisan); 1998, governor (Democrat); 1992, Honolulu mayor (Democrat); 1990 and 1986, BOE at-large (non-partisan race).