July 2020 Green Party of Texas newsletter
HOUSTON – The Green Party of the United States nominating convention held July 11th finalized our Presidential & Vice-Presidential nominees. Congratulations to Howie Hawkins & Angela Walker who won broad approval throughout the party. Follow them on Twitter @HowieHawkins & @AngelaNWalker. GPTX supports our nominees!
Great news! Hawkins/Walker 2020 has already qualified for federal matching funds. So donations through most of August can be DOUBLED, letting the campaign put more into ballot access efforts!
Please understand, the Pres/VP campaign is the coordinating center of ballot access efforts to secure & retain Green ballot lines in states across the nation. Please take advantage of this time to make your donation count double for Green ballot access!!
The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) has eight candidates running across the state in 2020. With a result of 2% or better in a state-wide race, GPTX will extend ballot access from 2026 to 2030. Connect with our candidates on Twitter & other campaign media:
- David B. Collins, US Senate, Twitter: @dbcgreentx
- katija gruene, Texas Railroad Commission, Twitter: @qweekat
- Charles Waterbury, State Supreme Court Position 1/Chief Justice, Twitter: @CEWaterbury
- Tom Wakely, US Rep CD-21, Twitter: @Wakely2020
- Hal J. Ridley, Jr., US Rep CD-36, Twitter: @HalRidleyJr
- Julián Villarreal, Texas Senate 26, Twitter: @Dr_RREAL
- Brody-Andrew Mulligan, Texas House 92, Twitter: @brodymulligan
- Antonio Padrón, Texas House 119, Twitter: @Viapadron
GPTX is poised to continue growing & developing in the coming decade, and our State Executive Committee wants to better connect volunteers to work for the Green movement in their area. GPTX-SEC invites you to our next bi-weekly "Eco-Social", coming up on Monday July 27, to ask your questions & discuss how you can become active with veteran Greens. Also, check out our resources page for useful Green items & links! And of course, please support GPTX if you can.
In Solidarity,
Laura Palmer, GPTX co-chair