Maine candidates & convention
PORTLAND, Me – Please join the Maine Green Independent Party in congratulating our candidates vying to be state representatives in the Maine House of Representatives!
Support them by liking their social media accounts, donating to their campaigns or volunteering. Visit their sites for more information about their campaigns and how to get involved.
Help us reopen the Maine House Green Independent Minority Office!
Candidates for State Representative
Michael Barden for House District 22 (Buxton, Hollis, Limington),
John Safarik for House District 37 (part of Portland -- WRITE-IN CAMPAIGN)
Carolyn Silvius for House District 42 (part of Portland),
Fred Horch for House District 49 (part of Brunswick)
Website | Facebook
Benjamin Meiklejohn for House District 135 (Bar Harbor, Lamoine, Mount Desert)
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
To donate to Ben's campaign, please send contribution to Ben Meiklejohn, PO Box 415, Seal Harbor, ME 04675, or by Paypal or Venmo using [email protected] as the recipient email address.
It is not too late to declare a write-in candidacy! Declarations must be submitted to the state by this Friday, May 15.
Contact us immediately if you need help declaring a write-in candidacy for your local seat in the House of Representatives (or any other state or county office).
2020 Maine Green Independent Party Annual Convention
Our convention will be held on June 14 in a Zoom conference.
Hold the date!
We have so many exciting things to do at this year's convention, including electing new officers, voting on our presidential nomination, passing a platform, forming county committees, and more...
Please note, the deadline for enrolled Green Independents to submit bylaws or platform proposals is May 14. Please submit proposals at [email protected].
More information will be provided soon on how to register.
The convention will be held exclusively on Zoom this year, due to the statewide prohibition on large gatherings of 10 or more people.
- Be safe.
- Take care.
- Stay involved.
We are here and welcome your involvement and participation. Contact us for other ways to be active from home and/ or while maintaining social distance.