"Me Too"
I have witnessed my rivers polluted by manmade chemicals that destroy the life that I have created within them.
Everywhere forest ecosystems that support not only trees, but myriad animals and other plants, are being clear cut or replaced with monocrop tree plantations that are nothing like the original biodiverse and vital forests.
My mountains have had the tops blown off to sate the selfish, short sighted greed of mankind. For coal, extracting the marrow from my bones to use to destroy my skies.
I have given you everything you need to survive, but humankind is not satisfied and wants more.
The water I have provided to nourish you is filled with oil- my blood, which is being channeled to fuel vehicles to pollute the clean air that I have provided you.
The trees that I have provided you as a natural cleansers of the air are being systematically chopped down. Soon the beautiful redwoods that I have given you to cherish and wander amongst will be no more. The rainforests are being cleared so that mankind can profit.
My face is being systematically eroded by the irresponsible behaviors of those who only live in the moment. I have been here for you since the beginning of time, and will survive you individually, but collectively you will destroy us all. Scars, scabs, wounds, spreading as we speak.
I try to fight back, letting you know that this is not okay through reflexive reactions- tsunamis, hurricanes, blizzards, droughts..I only want to let you know that I am here, and that you are hurting me. And yet nothing changes.
I am a mother. I give life. I give beauty. I give nourishment. Yet you continue to violate me for whatever short-sighted resources you want at the moment and leave permanent damage in your path.
You know the ways that we can live harmoniously together, but only a few out of millions take heed and are working to halt or reverse the damage. I want ALL of my children to take action to put a stop to the global destruction that is being wrought.
I am Mother Earth. Please do not forget me. Victimization does not belong to human beings only. It is Me, too.
Dee Murphy on behalf of theĀ National Womens' Caucus