Minnesota Greens support Standing Rock
Statement from the Winona County Green Party at Today’s Standing Rock Solidarity Rally
The Winona County Green Party stands in solidarity with the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, and we are honored that the Winona-Dakota Unity Alliance has given us the opportunity to speak today. Together, we give voice to the voiceless - the water and air that sustains us. We are here to defend the rights of nature - the rights of water and air to remain clean and pure.
We Stand with Standing Rock! We stand together in the wisdom of those who lived here long before us. We stand together for clean water, clean air, and a healthy environment. We stand together to protect the earth from corporations that would destroy it for short term profit. We stand together with our Native brothers and sisters against a government that is intimidating and incarcerating them for peacefully protecting our water. We thank you all for standing together in solidarity and peace! Mni Wiconi! Water is life!
November 15, 2016