Help us move closer to winning National Improved Medicare for All!
Have you noticed? More people are talking about a National Improved Medicare for All single payer health program to solve our ongoing healthcare crisis.
Thanks to decades of advocacy for single payer by Greens across the country and others, the Democrats are talking seriously about Medicare for All and, for the first time, a majority of Republicans support it.
Even President Trump is feeling the pressure for National Improved Medicare for All, that’s why he wrote an OpEd in USA Today bashing and lying about it. His plan backfired because it was followed by responses in USA Today, The Washington Post, National Public Radio and other media outlets defending the cost savings and the expanded coverage of single payer.
We need to keep building the movement and political pressure for National Improved Medicare for All.
Donate $25, $49, $250, or whatever you can afford today so we can get the message out!
We are reaching a tipping point in the healthcare crisis. Thirty million people have NO coverage and tens of millions more have skimpy coverage and high out-of-pocket costs that keep them from getting needed care. Medicaid for the poor and Medicare for seniors are under attack. New requirements are being added to Medicaid that kick people out and both Medicaid and Medicare are being privatized, which means more profits for health insurance CEOs and less care for patients.
It doesn’t have to be this way. The United States spends the most on health care – twice the amount per person each year than other wealthy nations. We are already spending enough to provide high quality comprehensive coverage to everyone without requiring co-pays or deductibles.
The reason that we don’t have a single payer healthcare system is that healthcare profiteers control Congress.
We can change that with your help! Your donation of any amount supports our work to spread the word about the single payer solution and to keep challenging the corporate parties.
The Green Party has supported single payer health care from the beginning.
Across the country, Green candidates are running for federal office on National Improved Medicare for All. And, Green party members are active in local single payer organizations.
We know you’re busy, so take a few minutes now to contribute $15, $27, $42, or $100 (or whatever you can!) and you’ll feel good knowing that you are helping to move us closer to winning National Improved Medicare for All.
Your donation will help us organize, grow and transform the world into one that puts people, the planet and peace over profit!
Margaret Flowers, MD
Co-Chair, Green Party of the United States
PS: This will require an ongoing campaign, so will you become a sustainer with a monthly gift of $10, $19, $25, or more?