News from the California Green Party
URGENT CALL TO ACTION - two important bills need YOUR help
Your engagement — at whatever level you are able — can make a big difference in healthcare right now! California can lead the nation by greatly improving the state’s healthcare system. Finally, there are bills in the California legislature that will both implement and fund CalCare. We hope you are able to add your voice to push Sacramento. Please act NOW!
Contact YOUR Assemblymember NOW to urge a YES VOTE on AB1400!
The Assembly Bill 1400 (CalCare) has passed the Health and Appropriations Committee in CA Assembly, next stop is the Assembly floor vote and the deadline is Jan 31!
The Green Party of California has proudly endorsed AB1400 as we have taken a stand for guaranteed, quality, equitable health care for all, since our inception. The opposition has been busy lobbying our representatives in both the Assembly and Senate but OUR VOICES must be heard over the screams of money and profit.
Join the California Nurses Association's CalCare Actions Today
#AB1400 #CalCare #SinglePayer
Ask YOUR Assemblymember for their AB1416 YES VOTE NOW!
The Ballot DISCLOSE Act, AB1416 (Santiago), passed both the Assembly Elections and Appropriations Committee in the last two weeks, and now is moving to the full Assembly floor, for a vote in the next few days!
The Green Party of California has proudly endorsed AB1416 because we are the ONLY anti-corruption national political party that rejects corporate and super PAC bribes. And we believe every voter has the right to see a list of supporters and opponents for every measure on the ballot.
We invite you to sign the Petition for AB 1416 by CA Clean Money to ask YOUR legislators to support and coauthor SB 90 and AB 1416.
#AB1416 #CACleanMoney
Support the 2022 Left Unity Slate of Candidates
Our candidates need YOUR help in Gathering Signatures for their Petitions in Lieu of Filing Fee to get on the ballot. The deadline for submitting signatures is February 9! Learn more about the Left Unity Slate of 2022 Candidates and DONATE to our Statewide Green Candidates Fund.
2022 Green Eco-Socialist Network Conference
Saturday, January 29, 9 am to 4 pm Pacific (12 - 7 pm Eastern)
We are experiencing ecological, economic and political collapse. This crisis begs the question: What Is To Be Done?
We invite you to join us at the Green Eco-Socialism Conference on Saturday, January 29, 9 am - 4 pm Pacific to answer that question in concrete and tangible ways. The Conference is co-sponsored by the Green Eco-Socialism Network and the Green Party of California
The Conference is organized in two sessions, see the full schedule of the conference and select your track after you register.
For questions or comments, please email [email protected]
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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