Justin Paglino: Proud to stand with the New Haven Climate Movement
On Friday, I was proud to stand with the New Haven Climate Movement which has been doing a tremendous job as a youth-led #climate movement.
Their event was well attended and organized in solidarity with the international climate movement Fridays for Future International as part of a global #climatestrike that day.
Please go to view pictures of global demonstrations on their FB page here: https://www.facebook.com/FridaysForFuture.org/
Although we are *all* paying for the consequences of climate disruption already to some extent, the youth today have the most to lose from #climatechange in the long run, as the consequences worsen every year. Listening to these youth leaders speak - it was clear that they feel the urgency that I feel. The urgency that they and I wish more members of #Congress would feel.
The business-as-usual duopoly in Congress has yet to take meaningful action on #climate, despite a worsening picture every year for over two decades.
Unlike proposals in the Republican, Democratic or Libertarian platforms, the Green Party platform outlines policies that reflect the realization that truly and deeply transformative policy changes are necessary, including bringing an end to #fracking, #tarsands, and #offshoredrilling, #naturalgas #pipelineconstruction, and #fossilfuel subsidies. We also recognize the need for not only an immediate end to fossil fuel subsidies, but the immediate need for a #greenhouse gas tax/fee.
Our current leadership has demonstrated its lack of sense of urgency: we need new leaders who will act boldly. Join us at the #GreenParty!
#justin4all #CT #greenforcongress #ClimateEmergency #JustinPaglino
Justin Paglino for Congress
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