Green Party Black Caucus elects co-chairs to Reparations Working Group
The Green Party of the United States Black Caucus is proud to announce it has nominated and elected two co-chairs to its Green Party of the United States Reparations working group to secure full and complete reparations for the descendants of slaves in the United States of America.
Anika Ofori is a cultural artist, social entrepreneur and activist. She currently lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a US Navy veteran. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Urban Ministry Leadership from Geneva College and a Master of Divinity from The Virginia Union University. She is a member of GPLA and GPUS-BC.
Trahern Crews is a community organizer, activist and socially responsible entrepreneur who organizes with urban youth around sustainable food access. Mr. Crews currently resides in Saint Paul Minnesota and is a member of the Minnesota Green Party, GPUS-BC and the spokesperson for the Minnesota Green Party of the 4th congressional district.
RESOLUTION: Reads as follows:
The GPUS hereby states our support for U.S. House Resolution 40 - Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals.
The GPUS will work to inform our members and the public about the significance of the passage of H.R. 40 as a reparatory remedy for institutionalized slavery and discrimination to living Americans of African Descent.
The GPUS will establish a Working Group on Reparations, headed by the Green Party of the United States Black Caucus that will engage with the public, reparations organizations and lawmakers to increase public and government support for the passage of H.R. 40.
This resolution is a call to action to heal our country of the grave injustice of American Slavery and its on-going effects on all citizens of the United States.
If you are interested in joining the Green Party of The United States Black Caucus Reparations Working group please click on the link and fill out the GPUS Reparations working Group Interest Form link below.
GPUS-BC Reparations Working Group Interest Form
For more information contact
Anika Ofori @ [email protected]
Trahern Crews @ 763-260-4233