Green Party of Santa Clara County August Newsletter
Time to stand up and resist corporate-dominated media & politics!
The Green Party of Santa Clara County is excited to have candidates running in different upcoming elections!
KPFA (94.1 FM), Northern California's only progressive/Left community radio station, is holding elections for its Local Station Board from August 15 - October 15, 2019. The Rescue Pacifica slate is composed of Greens and progressives whose mission is to preserve KPFA's and Pacifica's independent, rebellious, and uncensored voice. Our own county councilmember Christine Pepin is running as part of the Rescue Pacifica slate.
We are delighted to have two Green candidates running for San José City Council in District 6 in 2020: Andrew Boone and our own county councilmember Jake Tonkel. Learn more below!
Our grassroots party is, as always, corporate-free so all our candidates rely on our community of Greens, progressives and activists for support and recognition, therefore we ask YOU for your help to spread the word about our candidates! Thank you for being Green and sharing our Green Values!
People, Peace, Planet Over Profit!
A Forum on Pacifica Radio's History and Future
Saturday, August 10, at 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
San Jose Peace & Justice Center, 48 S 7th St, San Jose, 95112
Join Greens at this discussion forum to learn about the Rescue Pacifica organization and what we can do to defend independent and corporate-free radio. Hear about the history of KPFA (94.1 FM) & the Pacifica Radio network, a network of progressive/Left community radio stations. Also hear from some Local Station Board members and candidates who are running as Listener Delegates to ensure that the board avoids bankruptcy and prevents the station from joining the many media channels that have fallen victim to the corporate advertising model. RSVP
Learn more about the elections and the candidates here:
The event is free, snack will be provided, the venue is wheelchair accessible.
Two Greens running for San Jose City Council District 6!
Exciting news for Santa Clara Greens! Two Green candidates are running for San José City Council District 6 in 2020: Andrew Boone and Jake Tonkel. Andrew is a transportation activist and Jake is a Santa Clara Greens councilmember and has campaigned for fossil fuel divestment and public banking in California.
Don't hesitate to contact them and learn about their backgrounds and platforms!
Jake Tonkel -, [email protected], 408-357-3556, @JAKE4D6
Andrew Boone - - 650-391-8954
Jake's Campaign Kickoff Party
Saturday, August 17 at 4:00 – 9:00 p.m.
RSVP for location
Join Jake and his team to celebrate the work they've done and to rev up for the work ahead to get their message of a #SanJoséForAll to every corner of District 6 as well as to the entire city of San José.
You will hear from Jake about the road to 2020, learn about critical issues from community leaders, and hopes and plans for our neighborhoods over a community meal together. Please bring family and friends as well as your questions and suggestions!
News from South Bay Community Land Trust
Sandy Perry, housing advocate, Green Party of Santa Clara County councilmember, and co-founder of the South Bay Community Land Trust, along with SBCLT President, Liz Gonzalez, invite the Santa Clara Valley Water District to join a partnership to help address the homelessness crisis by identifying housing opportunities on surplus land. Read the recent San Jose Spotlight article here.
Housing is a Human Right!
Join Santa Clara Greens in our August Events
Discussion Forum on KPFA Pacifica Radio History and Future
Saturday, August 10, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
San Jose Peace & Justice Center, 48 S 7th St, San Jose, 95112
Join Greens at this discussion forum to learn about the Rescue Pacifica organization and what we can do to defend independent and corporate-free radio. Hear about the history of KPFA & Pacifica Radio and from some Local Station Board members and candidates.
Packing and Distributing Food to Local Families
Thursday, August 15, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Sunnyvale Community Services, 725 Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale 94086
Come join the Santa Clara Greens for a fun afternoon and help us package and distribute food bags to low-income households in the Sunnyvale community, as we join the Sunnyvale Community Services in their mission to serve our neighbors in need.
Monthly Meeting - Green Party of Santa Clara County
Thursday, August 22, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Santa Clara Central Library (Sycamore Room), 2635 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, 95051
Join the Santa Clara County Green Party for our monthly meeting to learn about our plans and activities.
Call Your State Senator for YES on AB 857
The Senate Appropriations committee is voting on AB 857 California Public Banking SOON! Call your Senator’s capitol office and urge them to vote YES!
Register Green
We stand with the party that stands for our values. We vote for what we WANT, not against what we FEAR.
Vote your values, vote Green!
Volunteer … Donate … Advocate!
Twitter @SCCGreens
Our mailing address is:
Green Party of Santa Clara County
48 S. Seventh Street, Suite 1
San Jose, CA 95112