Green Party of Santa Clara February Newsletter
We have arrived at the month of LOVE and our government is sharing no love with the seven countries we continue wage war and occupation in. We are dedicating February to PEACE, one of the four pillars of the Green Party, and we are gearing up for our Divestment Community Forum and many anti-war street rallies for peace. What we need in our world is more peacemongers, so we are getting our community engaged in the PEACE MOVEMENT. Please join us at our events and help put People, Planet and Peace Over Profit.
Join the Green Party of Santa Clara County as we host a panel discussion focused on strategies, tactics, opportunities and intersectionality of divestment campaigns. Discussions are followed by workshops to walk through divestment options and provide context for investment alternatives. GPSCC has taken the pledge in support of CodePink's Divest from the War Machine Campaign which has inspired this event. The Green Party, built on Eco-Socialism, is a key advocate for divestment as a tool for justice and individual empowerment through community engagement in progressive causes locally and nationally. We invite you to join us in our 'Divest for Justice' work.
Monday, February 19th
6:30 – 9:00 PM
De Anza College, Conferences Room B
21250 Stevens Creek Boulevard
Cupertino | Directions | RSVP on Facebook
David Ledesma, Santa Clara Green, has been a tireless Anti War/Anti Militarism activist and a peace advocate for well over a decade. He has held ongoing Anti-War street protests at Santa Clara's Winchester Rd and Stevens Creek Blvd. every Saturday and Sunday for the past 14 years! His amazing signs have been seen but countless people and he has brought awareness and conversation about the perils of endless wars to many communities. Learn more about David's work.
GPSCC February 2018 Events
Feb 3 - Saturday Anti-War Street Rally in Santa Clara - 11:30-12:30 pm - corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. & Winchester Blvd. Join the ANTI-WAR Street Rally every Saturday.
Feb 10 - Make Love, Not War Street Protest in Santa Clara - Saturday 10-12:30 pm - Santa Row and Stevens Creek Blvd. Join this Street Protest and stand up for peace.
Feb 17 - Saturday Anti-War Street Rally in Santa Clara - 11:30-12:30 pm - corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. & Winchester Blvd. Join the ANTI-WAR Street Rally every Saturday.
Feb 19 - Divest for Justice - Invest for Impact - Community Forum and workshop - Monday 6:30-9 pm - De Anza College, Conference Room B, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino. Join us at a panel discussion focused on strategies, tactics, opportunities and intersectionality of divestment campaigns.
Feb 21 - Green Party of Santa Clara Co. Monthly Meeting - NEW LOCATION Wednesday 7-9 pm, Santa Clara City Library (Sycamore Room), 2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara. Join the Santa Clara County Green Party for our monthly meeting to learn about our plans and actions.
Feb 24 - Saturday Anti-War Street Rally in Santa Clara - 11:30-12:30 pm - corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. & Winchester Blvd. Join the ANTI-WAR Street Rally every Saturday.
Feb 26 - Political Revolution Reading Group - Monday 7-9 pm – San Jose Peace and Justice Center, 48 S. 7th St. San Jose. Group willdiscuss the book "Creating an Ecological Society" by Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams.
March 3 - Help donate sleeping bags to our unhoused neighbors - 9-12 pm - San Jose (details TBD)
Santa Clara Greens Endorse three CA Green Party 2018 Candidates
Please help by donating to these candidates so they can raise enough funds to get on the ballot and pay for their voter pamphlet statement, which costs $25 per word!
We are proud to endorse Josh Jones for CA Governor, Erik Rydberg for CA Secretary of State, and Barry Hermanson for Congress in District 12. These candidates strongly represent the Green Party values and have all campaigned to engage more Greens and bring our 10 key values to the greater California progressives. Please help us support these candidates by advocating or them and donating to their campaigns if you can.
Meet More of California's 2018 Green Candidates!
There is a terrific group of Green candidates running for public offices this year, we have already shared information about many of them with you in our January Newsletter and here we are featuring more!
Lewis Elbinger for Congress D1
Lewis stands strong for "Government with a heart, vote your conscience, keep your voice". He believes the Green Party's platform can address the social and political challenges our country faces. Lewis has 28 years of experience as a Foreign Service Officer in the U.S. Department of State, has earned an MBA and a Masters in Strategic Studies, and has lived abroad in many countries.
Rachel Bruhnke for Assembly D70
Rachel believes it's time to take power back from corporations and anti-democratic forces endangering our communities, country and our planet. She is focused on: a just, sustainable and inclusive economy; land use reform and housing for all; healthcare as a human right and promoting SB-562; and building a localized, participatory Democracy. She holds degrees in Political Science and Environmental Engineering.
Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for Congress D40
"I am a first-generation Mexican-American scientist running in the most Latino district in the country. My opponent has sold out the community, but nobody else is running to unseat her. It's time for someone to say no to the L.A. Latino Democratic establishment. Please contribute if you can." Rodolfo conducts interviews focused on the Green Party platform, using the community-oriented Green Revolution group that has over 10 thousand followers.
Robert Christian Richardson for Congress D7
"I am running for Congress to rebuild fairness and confidence in our government for a more stable and sane America, because I have become disenchanted with unfair election rigging that both major parties engage in. After retiring from the Veterans Administration, as a senior computer specialist, I co-founded a non-profit to help hospitals here & overseas utilize VA's integrated hospital system (VistA), that has run 160 VA hospitals for 40 years."
Saied Karamooz for Oakland Mayor
Saied Karamooz is the Green Party candidate for the mayor of Oakland. Saied's campaign is founded on sensible solutions from a trustworthy candidate. His platform is squarely founded on achieving true public safety through investment in education, housing, and jobs.
Mike Feinstein for CA Secretary of State
Michael Feinstein is a former Mayor and City Councilmember in Santa Monica, and a co-founder of the Green Party of California. He is running for Secretary of State to promote a Democracy Bill of Rights for California, based upon Voter Choice, Clean Money and Election Integrity. For the state legislature, his plan is to elect it by proportional representation, giving all Californians a seat at the table of our democracy.
Veronika Fimbres for California Governor
"As CA Governor, I vow not only to hear, but also listen to the will of 'We the people' and since I am not taking money from Big Oil, Big Pharma, other Corporations, or public employee unions, including police unions, I will not be obligated to anyone but the people of California, whether or not they voted for me. I respect the power of choice, and to make an informed decision. My administration will be transparent!" !"
Learn more, donate and read an interview.
Christopher Carlson for California Governor
"It's up to us to build the greens into a science literate alternative to corporatism. Watch my response to the State of the Union here and here. I am running for Governor. Please just throw a $20 at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Don't give money to a politician if you can help it. (Greens are an exception.)
My handle on youtube, twitter and insta: guberthecandidate. Tell the girl scouts you want an election day cookie. [email protected]"
GPSCC January Monthly Meeting
2018 GPSCC February Meeting at New Location
We have been meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month, at 7-9 pm at the San Jose Peace and Justice, 7-9 pm. To make our meeting accessible to more Greens from across Santa Clara county and to avoid evening rush-hour traffic, some members suggested we hold every other meeting in mid peninsula. At our January meeting members agreed to try out our February meeting at the Santa Clara Library, So Join us! See details here.
Our January monthly meeting was a productive and lively one, where we welcomed new members and made a number of decisions for our chapter including affirming our 2018 Strategic Plan, see the January meeting minutes here!
Our chapter's mission: Strengthen and expand the Green Party membership, candidates, political capital, credibility and visibility in Santa Clara County and contribute to the growth of GPCA and GPUS.
Thursday, February 21, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Santa Clara City Library (Sycamore Room)
2635 Homestead Road Santa Clara | Directions | RSVP
STOP TOP TWO campaign
Greens across the state are working hard to collecting 800,000 signatures. Please join us and volunteer.
February Blog
Read this month's blog titles "Youth Vs, The Left" is by our millennial County Council member, Jake Tonkel, and co-auhtor, Christen Corcoran, originally published on their blog, The Bridge, A New Conversation.