Santa Clara County September Newsletter
Our mission is to bring the Green Party’s message and platform to our neighbors and communities, defend our shared values, and implement people–focused policies. So we are committed to reach out to all Santa Clara registered Greens, like you, and invite you to join us and help put People, Planet and Peace Over Profit!
We are your Santa Clara County Chapter of the Green Party and we would love to meet YOU!
Friday, September 22, 2017, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Congregational Church of Sunnyvale
1112 S. Bernardo Avenue, The Shepherd Room
- Meet The Green Party of Santa Clara's County Council & other active members.
- Hear from Barry Hermanson, Green Party"s Congressional candidate for San Francisco's District 12 running against Nancy Pelosi in 2018.
- Learn what we are doing to organize, grow, and expand our Party in this county.
- Hear about our campaigns and the issues and policies we fight for.
- Make your voice heard about the needs in our community.
- Share your ideas and perspective on our Party.
- Enjoy a delicious variety of nutritious, organic and vegetarian homemade dishes.
- Please RSVP and let us know if you plan on bringing any guests.
Learn about Eric Frame, Green Party Candidate for Sacramento's District 6 State Senate, against Democrat Richard Pan. A native of Sacramento, Eric is an advocate for healthcare, and fights against child trafficking and homelessness in his community.
Eric was inspired to fight for guaranteed healthcare for all after he lost his mother to cancer. Please SUPPORT Eric and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more candidate interviews.
Meet Miguel Zuniga, Green Party Candidate for Congressional District 43 in LA, running against Democrat, Maxine Waters. In this interview with Santa Clara Green, Mike Gonzales, Miguel says the struggle for fairly representation is what made him get involved with politics. His motto: "I'm not here to fix a party, I'm here to fix the country they broke". Please DONATE to his campaign and subscribe here to our YouTube channel.
On August 27, our local Greens joined the Silicon Valley's Pride Parade with our LGBQT+ family and San Jose's beautiful and diverse community. We join in the Dance of Peace Troupe with our Partner, san Jose Peace and Justice center. The Green Party takes a strong position on defending equity and justice for all members of our communities with a zero tolerance for hate and discrimination.
GPSCC September Events
Sept. 6 – Tabling at Standing Rock Urgent Legal Update: 7:30 – 10:00 pm
Congregational Church of Sunnyvale, 1112 South Bernardo Ave. Join Santa Clara Greens at this special evening with social justice attorneys Chase Iron Eyes and Daniel Sheehan of the Lakota People's Law Project.
Sept. 9 – Greens tabling at Cupertino’s Silicon Valley Fall Festival: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Memorial Park, 10185 N Stelling Rd. Join us at this fall celebration with music, cultural and educational family fun.
Sept. 9 – Saturday Anti-War Street Rally in Santa Clara: 11:30 – 12:30 pm
corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. & Winchester Blvd. Santa Clara. Join us at our ANTI-WAR Street Rally every Saturday.
Sept. 16 – Saturday Anti-War Street Rally in Santa Clara: 11:30 – 12:30 pm
corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. & Winchester Blvd.
Sept. 22 – Santa Clara Greens Meet & Greet Social in Sunnyvale: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Congregational Church of Sunnyvale 1112 S. Bernardo Avenue, Shepherd Room. Join us to meet your local active Greens and learn about our mission and activities in our communities.
Sept. 23 – Saturday Anti-War Street Rally in Santa Clara: 11:30 – 12:30 pm
corner of Stevens Creek Blvd. & Winchester Blvd.
Sept. 25 – Economics for Activists Book Club: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
San Jose Peace and Justice Center, 48 S. 7th St. Join our book club to read and discuss works by pivotal authors.
Sept. 28 – Green Party of Santa Clara Co. Monthly Business Meeting: 7:00 – 9:00 pm,
San Jose Peace and Justice Center, 48 S. 7th St. Join the Santa Clara County Green Party for our monthly meeting to learn about our plans and activities.
Millions March for Prisoner's Rights in San Jose
Santa Clara Greens joined the new national abolitionist movement of the Millions March for Prisoner's Human Rights in San Jose on August 19th to demand abolishing legalized slavery in our prisons, allowed today under the 13th amendment. Many of our local allies joined us at this march that led us through the streets of San Jose to the Santa Clara County Jail.
GPSCC August 24th Meeting Minutes
We meet on the 4th Thursday of the month at the San Jose Peace and Justice Center at #48, S. 7th St from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Our chapter's mission is: Strengthen and expand the Green Party membership, candidates, political capital, credibility and visibility in Santa Clara County and contribute to the growth of GPCA and GPUS.
Join us at our September 28th meeting. See the minutes from our August meeting here.
Our planet is on the verge of irreversible climate damage and habitat destruction. It is easy to get discouraged and just want to sit it out. We think THAT is just not an option.
Working together in the Green Party, we can reverse course. Join us, REGISTER GREEN!
Because we all know our system is broken and it's up to us to fix it. Our Corporate-dominated duopoly is not the solution, we are! Green, clean and corporate-free candidates who serve the people.
Our 10 key values and four pillar guide everything we do.
Green Party of Santa Clara County
48 S. Seventh Street, Suite 1
San Jose, CA 95112