Towards a Greener 2022
Thank you for standing with us – Together, let's welcome a Greener 2022
SAN FRANCISCO – As the Green Party of California welcomes the end-of-year holidays and reflect on the past year we also gaze at the coming year ... some of us with open arms, relief, or enthusiasm and others with caution and concern. ALL of us hope for a better year and a more fair, healthy, secure, equitable, accessible, and a just life for ourselves and our communities.
Our wish is that no matter how you anticipate 2022, you do it with hope and solidarity with our Green Values and that you will receive the gift of love, health, and justice in the year to come.
Growing the LEFT UNITY Slate of Candidates
Since the Green Party of California made the historic decision to endorse a “Left Unity Slate” composed of Green Party and Peace and Freedom Party candidates for the June 2022 Primary Elections, another candidate has been added!
Green Governor candidate Luis J. Rodriguez was endorsed at the GPCA December 4th General Assembly by a large majority.
Please plan to join the many Greens who will be holding signing parties for their signatures-in-lieu efforts that will significantly reduce the candidates’ filing fees, and allow you a chance to get to know our candidates better.
NOTE that any California voter can sign the signatures-in-lieu forms; they don’t need to be Green. The period for signature gathering begins on January 3, and the deadline for signature gatherers to turn the forms into the signers' county office is February 9.
- Luis J. Rodriguez (Green), CA Governor
- Gary Blenner (Green), CA Secretary of State
- Laura Wells (Green), CA Controller
- Meghann Adams (Peace and Freedom), CA Treasurer (415-821-6171, 969 Mission St., SF, CA 94110)
- Dan Kapelovitz (Green), CA Attorney General
- Nathalie Hrizi (Peace and Freedom), CA Insurance Commissioner (415-821-6171, 969 Mission St., SF, CA 94110)
- John Parker (Peace and Freedom), US Senate
Congratulations to all the candidates!
If you are a registered Green planning to run for office in 2022 (or know of other Green candidates) please contact us with that information.
#RunGreen #LeftUnity
Jill Stein files to challenge the FEC in court!
From Jill Stein:
"Earlier this month, our legal team filed in the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit to appeal the FEC’s decision demanding that our 2016 campaign repay over $175,000 in public matching funds we spent on ballot access.
The FEC’s decision threatens to stick me with a massive bill five years after the end of our campaign - but to make things even worse, the precedent would seriously discourage independents and alternative parties from using federal public matching funds to get on the ballot in elections to come.
"We’re fighting back because if the FEC’s punitive decision is allowed to stand, it would be a massive deterrent to grassroots challengers at the top of the ticket that could also make it far more difficult for candidates to run in local 'down-ballot' races where Greens and other independents have had the most success.
"Our legal team’s statement of issues to be raised on appeal – which you can see here – challenges the FEC’s unjust decision on a number of fronts, from its timing five years after the election to the legal premise of the decision itself."
Become a GPCA Sustainer Today
The Green Party of California’s number of sustainers — monthly donors — has grown by 50% during 2021! You are invited to join this sustainer group now if you haven’t already, please do so. Click “monthly” in the amount area.
We are building toward having one hundred sustainers. That base will increase our ability to spread the word during the important election year of 2022! Of course, while we’re encouraging sustainer pledges, we want you to know that your one-time donations are also very welcome, HERE.
Thank you for helping to build a political party that is independent of corporate cash and influence, and that advocates for people, planet, and peace over profit.
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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