Urgent ... this elected Green needs help
We have an urgent request for assistance from the campaign to re-elect the Green Party's very own Minneapolis City Council Representative, Cam Gordon. As an elected Green, Cam has worked hand-in-hand with social movements as their champion inside city government — achieving real progressive results with respect to housing, transforming public safety, building sustainability and more.
We know the duopoly power structure treats every elected Green as an existential threat to their cartel. They pull out all of the stops to eliminate us and Cam is no exception:
It's critical we connect with voters across Ward 2 in the next couple of weeks.
Early voting started September 17th and there are only 4 weeks left in this election.
And as we continue to be outspent by money from outside of the ward, it is crucial that you contribute today so that we are able to run digital Get Out The Vote ads as well as mail to all Ward 2 voters while we still have time!
Our work together is not done. Together, we will create a city that cares for all of us. We can't do it without you.
There you have it: Cam is up against money being brought in from outside of his district. That means Greens from around the country need to fight back against this scheme to unseat one of the only elected officials in this entire country who is truly independent of the corporate duopoly.
Can Cam count on you?
We hope he can!
The Green Party of the United States
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