VOTE for the Left Unity Slate!
News from the Green Party of Santa Clara County
Want change? VOTE Left Unity Slate!
There is a lot that we need to change about how our society, economy, and government have been structured, or shall we say, we've allowed to be structured! We not only WANT change but we NEED change. Our families and communities are being devastated by the corporate two-party system that sold us out long ago.
How do we make change?
We Greens make change everyday... we VOTE everyday by being registered with a political party that shares our values and our vision for a better world we know is not only possible, it is needed, NOW more than ever.
What power do we have?
Our power is HUGE! It is awe-inspiring and it has always been at the heart of our organizing. We are survivors! Even when it seems we are not thriving, our presence and pressure send a message that the corporate parties hear loud and clear and that is exactly why they keep suing state Green Parties off ballots, to deny and hide how much power "we the people" truly have.
How do we yield our power?
Our values are human values and only by bringing together the currently fragmented and diverse independent Left, can our undeniable human values be amplified. Academic political ideologies haven't inspired masses of people, because to unite, we must rise together on the pillars of love, compassion and equity, organizing together and building communities for us all.
We share with you our press release below about the exciting endorsements for the Left Unity Slate of candidates running for statewide offices in the June 7 Primary election. Please SHARE WIDELY and promote all Greens running for a Green future. Learn more about all California Greens running for office HERE.
#VoteYourValues #VoteGreen
Ballots have arrived!
The June 7 CA Primary is in 18 days!
On May 9, California's county elections office began mailing vote-by-mail ballots for the June 7, 2022, Primary Election to all active registered voters. If you have not received your ballot by early next week, contact your County's Election office or track your ballot HERE.
May 23 - The last day to register to vote for the June 7, 2022, Primary Election. If you are unsure about your registration status check it online HERE.
May 28 - Vote centers open in all Voter’s Choice Act counties.
June 7 - The deadline for your ballot to be postmarked or dropped off at a secure ballot box. 8 pm is the deadline for ballots to be dropped off or in-person at an election office or voting center.
Voter Information Guide is available HERE in various languages.
Early voting info and drop box locations are HERE.
Get more information at the CA Secretary of State website HERE.
The primary Election ballot includes candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, Member of State Board of Equalization, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, U.S. Representative in Congress, State Senator, State Assembly Member, as well as other local candidates and two contests for U.S. Senate on this ballot.
You have multiple safe, secure, and reliable options for returning your ballot. Whichever option you choose to return your ballot, remember to sign the envelope in the space provided.
- Mail – No stamp is required to return your ballot through the US Postal Service. Make sure your ballot is postmarked by June 7, 2022, and arrives no later than 7 days after the election.
- Drop box – Counties offer secure drop boxes to return your ballot. Make sure your ballot is deposited by 8:00 p.m. on June 7, 2022.
- In person – You can return your ballot to a polling place, vote center, or your county elections office by 8:00 p.m. on June 7, 2022. One or more voting locations in many counties will be open prior to Election Day. Voting locations will offer voter registration, replacement ballots, accessible voting machines, and language assistance.
Left Unity Slate Candidates Win Strong Endorsements
May 20, 2022, Sacramento, CA - Eight organizations and groups have endorsed the Left Unity Slate candidates running for California’s statewide offices, in a historic coalition of the Green Party and the Peace and Freedom Party, whose shared values brought these candidates together.
In a charged political climate of high inflation, low wages, lack of housing and health care, and a continuing global pandemic, voters report discontent with the status quo evident in the low approval ratings for the Biden administration. California's non-corporate political parties offer the Left Unity Slate as the better choice for voters, and their candidates are getting the attention and endorsements of progressive organizations.
Leading the list is Knock LA's Los Angeles Progressive Voter Guide, which has endorsed the entire slate of 9 candidates. They write, "The Left Unity Slate is endorsed by the Peace and Freedom Party, the Green Party, and other progressives who seek a left alternative to establishment Democrats. The lack of will among elected Democrats to carry out what they claim to support makes the Left Unity Slate our choice for statewide offices." Their website analyzes each race, highlighting specific reasons why they support each Left Unity Slate candidate.
The only statewide candidates endorsed by the S.F. Berniecrats are two Left Unity candidates: Laura Wells for Controller and Nathalie Hrizi for Insurance Commissioner. (...) READ MORE HERE
GPSCC May Monthly Meeting
Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 7 PM – 9 PM PST
Join the Santa Clara County Green Party for our monthly meeting (by teleconference) to learn about our plans and activities. MESSAGE US for meeting details.
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